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他是一个模范生。He is an exemplary student.

而如果他那么做了,他就是个模范士兵。If he does do them, he’s an exemplary soldier.

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他的行为举止始终可为人表率。He always comported himself in an exemplary manner.

戈尔巴乔夫是个典型的州党委书记。Gorbachov was an exemplary regional party secretary.

吉利根当州长四年,政绩斐然。The Gilligan record in four years as governor was exemplary.

颁给他的嘉奖令称他表现出非凡的勇气,堪为表率。His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage.

中法关系应当继续发挥示范作用。Sino-French relations should continue to play an exemplary role.

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专题部分为关于深基坑支护设计方法的研究。Exemplary into about deep foundation pit bracing design methodology.

普莱诺高中两度被选为蓝带学校并且是一所德克萨斯模范学校。Plano is a two-time Blue Ribbon School and a Texas Exemplary School.

二零零四年一月获中文大学社会科学院模范教学奖。Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty of Social Science, CUHK, Jan. 2004.

伟大的领袖能起带头模范的作用,总是与心中伟大的理想相对应。A great leader always leads with an exemplary life that echoes his ideals.

图5是用于多波段天线系统的示例性回波损耗绘图。FIG. 5 is an exemplary return-loss plot for the multi-band antenna system.

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勃朗宁轻机枪手通常是节约弹药的模范。Almost invariably, BAR men are exemplary in their conservation of ammunition.

文学作品中主人公的模范作用好像是持久的。The exemplary function of the hero in literary works seems to remain constant.

教师应该为人师表,他是学生学习的真实榜样。An instructor is a person of exemplary virtue, and a true example of his students.

1999年,获临颍县民族团结进步模范先进个人。In 1999, ethnic unity and progress has been exemplary Linying advanced individuals.

儿子说“你要以身作则,模范带头”,我成了一名导游。The son said, "do you want to set a good example, exemplary", I became a tour guide.

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这些岛屿不仅是建筑工程革新的典范,同时也是土地所有权法规改革的先例。They are exemplary both for their innovations in engineering and land ownership laws.

全钢的门,其中包括加载门,提供示范适合,完成,经久耐用。All-steel doors, including loading door, provide exemplary fit, finish and durability.

对于下层阶级的孩子,中心将提供模范的医疗和牙科保健。For the lower-class children, the centers will often exemplary medical and dental care.