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还是在那片草地吗?In the Meadow?

‘草地’是什么?What is the Meadow?

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草地上的草还没割。The meadow is not yet mown.

羊儿在草地里。The sheep are in the meadow.

在草原上飞得高。In the meadow is flying high.

小羊羔在草地上欢跳。Lambs gamboled in the meadow.

河水淹没了草地。The river flushed the meadow.

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绿色草地上白色的羊群。White sheep on a green meadow.

篱笆一直延伸到牧草地。The fence extends to the meadow.

但愿有草地与小羊。The lambs capered in the meadow.

小羊在草地上欢跳。The lambs capered in the meadow.

一只公鹿正在草地上吃草。A buck was browsing on the meadow.

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一只羊在草地上吃草。A sheep was grazing in the meadow.

梦见你睡在阳光照耀的草地上Dream that sleep is a sunlit meadow

向尾喵与猫之手,呆火驼的牧场!Eneco & Cat's Paw! Meadow of Donmel!

草原田鼠却不会结成配偶。Meadow voles do not form pair bonds.

那匹马驹跳着跑过牧场。The colt bounded through the meadow.

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小羊喜好在草地上欢蹦乱跳。Lamps like to skip across the meadow.

几只羊在草地上吃草。Some sheep were grazing in the meadow.

这条溪流蜿流过牧场。The brook meandered through the meadow.