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他是一个多么有情有义的男子汉呵!He is a man of sagacity how uh!

丰满,优雅,阳光,睿智。Plim , grace, bright, sunlight, sagacity.

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在我的眼中,律师是正义聪敏的象征。In my eyes a lawyer is the symbol of justice sagacity.

噢,确实!那么,我就只能靠自己的智慧了。Oh, indeed! Well, then, I must trust to my own sagacity.

布朗先生在他的讲座里强调了猫的灵性。In his speech Mr.Brown laid stress on the sagacity of cats.

这是多么令人赞叹的聪敏与宽厚。This is the sagacity that how your person highly praises and clement.

他在军事上的才略深受大家敬仰。He was deeply revered for his ability and sagacity in military affairs.

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诚实不该是退化为简单,而睿智也不该退化为狡诈。Sincerity should not degenerate into simplicity nor sagacity into cunng.

聪明人把智慧用在垂直的广告装寘上。The sapient man used his sagacity in the perpendicular commercial device.

希望每个人都可以挖掘人生背后的故事,做一个睿智善良的人!I hope everyone can dig the story behind life to be a kind and Sagacity man!

“当然不,”参议员辛浦生说,表现着真实的政治敏感和情调。"Certainly not, "said Senator Simpson, with true political sagacity and feeling.

他对二次大战的认识甚为精辟,而且很有预见性,显示了其职业革命家的远见和卓识。His incisive and fore sighted view indicated his foresight and sagacity as a vocational revolutionist.

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但那似乎是聪明的话,给人留下睿智以及对严酷现实作出承诺的印象。But it seemed the smart thing to say and gave an impression of sagacity and commitment to harsh reality.

值得我琢磨的是如何借鉴拉尼娅王后维护世界和平的睿智,更重要的是充分展示东方金凤的大家风范和文化魅力。It is necessary for me to learn the sagacity of the Jordanian queen about carry through the peace of the world.

珂赛特用她那天真悲愁的聪明往估计那道横亘在她和那玩偶间的深渊。With the sad and innocent sagacity of childhood, Cosette measured the abyss which separated her from that doll.

美好事物后面的真相你都知道吗?希望每个人都可以挖掘人生背后的故事,做一个睿智善良的人!Do you know the truth behind niceness?I hope everyone can dig the story behind life to be a kind and Sagacity man!

她一面为自己的计谋落空而难过,一面又为汤姆这一次竟能如此温顺听话而高兴。She was half sorry her sagacity had miscarried , and half glad that Tom had stumbled into obedient conduct for once.

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靠着传统营销方式,天涯直到成立5年后才略有盈余。Means of recumbent and traditional sale, skyline has profit till the ability and sagacity after holding water 5 years.

顺应中国传统文化与开拓精神相融合的潮流,以开放的眼界、写意的情怀、高远的睿智面对生活、工作是每个年轻人的课题。Now every young people should have the exoteric eyereach , the enjoyable heart, the long-range sagacity in their life and work.

欧洲还缺少另外一个重要元素──像汉密尔顿和卡多左这样有勇有谋的21世纪领导人。Nor does it have another critical ingredient-- a 21st-century leader with the courage and sagacity of Alexander Hamilton or Fernando Henrique Cardoso.