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他的国内问题复杂而又繁多。His internal problems were complex and multitudinous.

沵是涐一首歌,所有寂寞都随你降落。E multitudinous is a song, as you all are lonely land.

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沵的背影、在硪脑海里卟停的徘徊。Multitudinous of the back, in stop porphyrin Wo mind wandering.

一句谎世世欺三句言透沵心。A lie ages of bullying through the multitudinous mind three words.

他有众多情妇,其中大多数是高级职业女性。He has multitudinous lovers, among whom most are professional women.

但最根本地,这是只反应了多元文化的一个侧面。But ultimately, this is only one reflection from a multitudinous culture.

在无尽深渊有许多的层次,它的数目可能会大到无限。There are multitudinous layers of the Abyss, perhaps even an infinite number.

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是沵小奇迹,收起任性只怕错过沵。Is multitudinous small miracle, I'm afraid to miss wayward away multitudinous.

然而,科技资源共享涉及众多部门,牵涉利益巨大。However, technical resources sharing involves multitudinous departments and enormous benefit.

现在我已经厌烦了去给各种抱怨分类登记了。I’ve heard enough, by now, to catalog the multitudinous complaints into several broad categories.

TMN的管理功能正是由众多网元管理系统支撑起来的。The TMN management function is precisely supports by the multitudinous network element management system.

中国传统工笔画,是中国最早成熟的画种之一,至唐宋更有许多绘画名家和经典画作。In the multitudinous drawing types, the Chinese fine drawings is one of the earliest mature drawing types.

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在投资过程中,众多的风险因素决定了投资效益的不确定性。In process of investment, multitudinous risky factors determined the non-determinism of investment efficiency.

在词霸公社发一个求助帖,众多高手为您解答。Sends in the word tyrant people's commune to seek help the placard, the multitudinous master explains for you.

群体诉讼制度是用来解决一方当事人人数众多的民事纠纷的诉讼制度。The group action institution is used to settled civil disputes which the number of one party is multitudinous.

我们的实体由大量具有各自身份的自我组成,其中很多自我已经为此利益而工作。Our entity is composed of multitudinous selves with their own identities, many of whom have worked in this behalf.

而由于种种原因,目前对刚架中弯曲内力图的绘制存在较大的困难。But there is much difficult to protract the bending internal force figure in rigid frame due to multitudinous reasons.

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在诸多影响美术高考的因素中,笔者认为首要因素是国家考试制度。The author holds that amongst the multitudinous factors, the foremost one should fall on our nation's examination policy.

但博士后村的发展壮大,还需要众多精英们的参与支持。But post-doctorate village growing strong, but also needs the multitudinous outstanding people participates in the support.

鲍伯升任管理职后,有时候会淹没在堆积如山的文书作业与大量行政杂事中。After his promotion to management, Bob was sometimes overwhelmed by mountains of paperwork and multitudinous administrative chores.