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库存的杀伤人员地雷已有4400万个被销毁了。Some 44 million antipersonnel mines have been destroyed from stockpiles.

他的双腿被地雷炸掉,次日便死去了。His legs were blown off by an antipersonnel mine, and he died the next day.

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这种飞行艇配备反单兵爆能枪和一门反装甲主炮。The speeder is armed with antipersonnel blasters and a main anti-vehicle gun.

当变为行走模式时,发射器则转为反步兵。When transformed into walking mode, the launchers are angled for antipersonnel use.

自该项条约生效以来,杀伤人员地雷的使用已大幅度减少。Since the treaty came into force, the use of antipersonnel mines has largely dried up.

鉴定枪械杀伤能力是检测枪械的重要项目之一。Determining the antipersonnel force of arms is one of the main tasks in detecting arms.

为了保征榴弹的杀伤效能,必须考虑引信的定距精度。In order to ensure antipersonnel efficiency of the shrapnel, the distance precision of the fuze must be considered.

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生产杀伤人员地雷的50多个国家中目前只有十几个保留了生产能力。Only about a dozen of the more than 50 countries that have manufactured antipersonnel mines still retain the capacity.

习武者必须要具备功力才能使自己的招式有杀伤力。Practise martial arts person has to need to have skill , then it is possible let self move style have antipersonnel force.

但几小时后,一个扫雷小队发现爆炸的地雷连着一个更大的显露在地面上的杀伤性炸弹。But a few hourslater, a road-clearing team found antipersonnel mines connected to a muchlarger bomb buried just up the road.

使用大规模杀伤性武器的“超级恐怖主义”,已成为当代国际社会面临的现实威胁。The super-terrorism using large-scale antipersonnel weapons has become one real threat for the contemporary international society to face.

用高渗酮增效的四种不同的高渗农药制剂在室内对棉铃虫幼虫的杀伤力进行了试验。Antipersonnel force of four types of high penetrating insecticides controlling against the larvae of cotton bollworm was tested in laboratory.

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康纳舰船系统生产的HX2地雷是一种广为扩散的反人员地雷,被银河共和国的ARC部队大量使用。The Conner Ship Systems HX2 mine is a widely distributed antipersonnel explosive used extensively by the ARC troopers of the Galactic Republic.

反辐射武器是一种利用雷达辐射的电磁波,发现、跟踪并摧毁雷达系统的硬杀伤武器。The anti-radiation weapon is a kind of hard antipersonnel weapon which discoverys, traces and destroys the radars by making use of the radar radiations.

提出了一种适于手持式面杀伤组合武器结构的分析计算模型,建立了相应的动力学方程。A calculation model for the analysis of portable point and area antipersonnel weapon structures is presented. Relevant dynamic equations are put forward.

同样地,美国的主要盟友,如阿富汗,伊拉克,澳大利亚和日本,也禁用地雷。Every NATO member has foresworn the use of antipersonnel mines except for the US, as have other key allies, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Australia, and Japan.

如果希望这些孩子拥有未来,我们必须停止使用这些邪恶的武器。唯一的出路就是在全球的范围内禁止杀伤性地雷。If these children are to have a future. we must end the use of these evil weapons. The on1y way forward is for a total worldwide ban on antipersonnel land mines.

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所谓窜货,即渠道的跨区销售,是一种极易被忽视,但又对品牌和企业经营具有很强杀伤力的营销顽症。The selling beyond agreed area is one kind of marketing persistent ailment that is easy to be ignored, but has very strong antipersonnel force to the brand and enterprise.

致命的杀伤人员地雷已不再被视为合法的战争武器,是时候美国承认这一现实,签署这项条约。Deadly antipersonnel mines are no longer viewed as a legitimate weapon of war, and it is time for the US to recognize that reality with a decision to sign on to the treaty.

国际社会禁止使用杀伤人员地雷,因为地雷不加区别伤害和杀害,伤亡的平民人数高于战斗人员伤亡人数。The international community has banned antipersonnel mines because they are inherently indiscriminate weapons that have killed and injured far more civilians than soldiers.