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图茨先生是穿着丧服的。Mr Toots was dressed in mourning.

很多的茎和根都是辐射对称的。Many stems and toots show radial symmetry.

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然后他挥挥手,按了下喇叭,往前开去。Then he waves, toots his horn, and pulls on up ahead.

将诱导的发状根进行固体平板培养和液体悬浮培养。The induced toots were cultured in solid media and liquid media.

图茨绍尔的餐馆太拥挤了,再也没人会去那儿了。Toots Shor's restaurant is so crowded nobody goes there anymore.

国画的起源可以追溯到中国的新石器时代的陶瓷制造业时期。The toots of Chinese painting can date back to Chinese Stone Age's pottery.

图茨先生叙述了这个奇妙的、意想不到的事实之后,掉进了沉默的深井中。After stating this curious and unexpected fact, Mr Toots fell into a deep well of silence.

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“皮特的妻子南希回忆,皮特的最后一句话,向她告别茨之前,他陷入了昏迷了,”再见。Pete's wife, Nancy, recalls that Pete's last words to her before he lapsed into a coma were, "Good-bye Toots."

托德洛德威克表示他对北欧两项的热爱早已萌芽,那时他还只是布迪沃纳“小嘟嘟”滑雪项目的成员。Todd Lodwick says his love for Nordiccombinedstarted early, when hewaspart of the Buddy Werner"Little Toots"ski program.

目的探讨残根残冠根管治疗期间急性炎症的发病情况及其春相关因素。Objective To study the reason and incidence of acute inflammation during root canal therapy of residual toots and crowns.

飘吧,让我!向天高歌,我要。人海里的过客,我们是。就让我们一起呼吸微风的气息,在其中寻找我们精神的根。Drift, let me. Sing to the sky, will I. one in many, are we. Let us breathe the breeze and find therein our toots in the spirit.

确实,这个丑陋的戴奥吉尼斯对她是那么宝贵,那么深受欢迎,因此,她拉起图茨先生佩带宝石的手,满怀感激地吻了吻它。So dear, indeed, was this same ugly Diogenes, and so welcome to her, that she took the jewelled hand of Mr Toots and kissed it in her gratitude.

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分支数、根数与单株块根数、多块根根数、单株鲜产量是不易协同改良的性状。The quantity of branches and toots are not easily modified coordinately with the quantity of root tubers, the quantity of multi-tuber root and the yield per plant.

爱会上升到枝头,抚爱你在阳光下颤动的嫩枝,也会下潜之根部,撼动你紧抓泥土的根基。Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, so shall he descend to your toots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.