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“很难判定吗?”我以一种施助的口吻说道。“Hard to decide?” I said helpfully.

而且,他在1927年明确的指出,革命是“暴动,是暴力行为。Rather, as he helpfully clarified in 1927, it is “an insurrection, an act of violence.”

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科学家们为这个现象总结出了一个名称——‘社会时差’。Helpfully the scientists have come up with a name for the phenomenon – ‘social jet lag’.

西蒙·罗杰斯挑选了最有趣的50个现象放在博客里,这很有帮助。Simon Rogers helpfully extracts 50 of the most interesting ones to look at in his datablog.

好在亚拉巴马和弗罗里达不一样,没有一个势力强大、支持贸易禁令的古巴流亡者游说团体。Helpfully , Alabama has no powerful pro-embargo lobby of Cuban exiles like the one in Florida.

作者言之有物,该物必是他认为真实有用或者优美而又有益的。The author has something to say which he perceives to be true and useful, or helpfully beautiful.

关于体育运动的愉悦和对每个人的身体健康有好处,你说得很正确.You,you talked ,uh ,very helpfully about the pleasure and benefit of sport for the health of ,um, everyone.

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有意义的是,简吉恩还指出了伯克希尔•哈撒韦业务和投资实力的核心。Mr. Janjigian also helpfully notes what is at the heart of Berkshire Hathaway's business and investment firepower.

如果你对潜在的人选没有心仪的感觉,这条裙子也会保持严严实实的不透明感觉,以此来帮你表态说“不”。If you’re just not that into your potential suitor, the dress helpfully says “no way” on your behalf by staying firmly opaque.

这用以告知孩子们,当他们使用这个地球资源超过了他们应有的“合理份额”的时候,他们就会死。It helpfully informs children when they should die in order to ensure they do not use more than their "fair share" of the planet.

这些结论对我国客运专线无砟轨道施工控制网的建设或许有参考价值。These conclusions should be helpfully to build construction control networks for ballast less track of passenger dedicated railway.

我给通讯社打了一通电话,他们说帮不了我什么忙,还“好心建议”我应当在昨天就登记。I call the press office. They say there is nothing that they can do, and helpfully suggest that I could have registered the day before.

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该基金会也有不同层次风险的项目组合,这点在盖茨先生的信里做了很有帮助的阐释。The foundation also has a portfolio of projects with different levels of riskiness, which Mr Gates helpfully illustrates in his letter.

目前,裁员旨在降低成本,但据这位发言人解释,“商务优先这一决策将持续。For now, the layoffs are cost-reduction, but as the spokesperson helpfully explains, the “business prioritization will continue going forward.

这里还有图片和详细的图表关于外星人的飞船,甚至还有他们给我们的信。There are also photographs and detailed diagrams of supposed alien spaceships that some U. F. O. spotters helpfully included with their letters.

不过还好把一个虚地址映射成一个物理地址的过程还算是相当简单的,在下面的章节里我们会多次展示这些技巧。Helpfully , a calculation from a linear address to a physical one is quite simple and this will be shown several times in the following chapters.

因为害怕成为恶意嫉妒的对象,人们一般会更愿意帮助那些他们觉得可能会妒忌他们的人。The fear that they may become the target of malicious envy makes people act more helpfully toward people who they think might be jealous of them.

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小册子的解说颇有帮助,它说,如果一头熊过来攻击你,它可能是出于自卫的需要,你应该脸朝下躺在地上,保护好身体的关键部位。If a bear comes over and gives you a good beating, it may just be feeling defensive, it explains helpfully. Lie face down and protect your vital organs.

行李员把你的行李搬到房间,向你解释如何收看CNN,告诉你怎么开灯,怎麽把空调调好。The porter brings your bags to your room and helpfully explains how to access CNN. He shows you how to turn onthe lights and adjust the air-conditioner.

虽然阿拉斯加、亚利桑那州、佛蒙特州和怀明俄这4个州中的3个颁发在其他州有效持有枪支的许可证,但在本州内它们根本不要求持证携枪。Four states—Alaska, Arizona, Vermont and Wyoming—do not require a permit at all, although three of them do helpfully issue them for use outside the state.