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我被安排到美国陆军安全部门服役。I was assigned to the USAF Security Service.

2009财年,USAF将为该系统花费200万美元。For FY09, the USAF will spend over $2 million for the system.

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美国空军固定和移动陆地指挥控制系统。USAF fixed and deployable ground command and control systems.

有一天,我得到了一个二手店真正的美国空军战斗机飞行员夹克。The other day I got a real USAF fighter pilot jacket at a second-hand shop.

加油机替代项目要求生产179架加油机以取代目前美国空军的加油机队。The initiative calls for 179 tankers to replace the current USAF tanker fleet.

哈尼特说,美国空军之前根本不知道会发生类似事故。Harnett said the USAF has no knowledge of any similar incidents happening before.

诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的RQ-4A“全球鹰”是美国空军乃至全世界最先进的无人机。The Northrop Grumman RQ-4A Global Hawk is the modernest UAV of the USAF &the world.

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阿莱尼亚公司和美国空军签订提供飞机的合同,合同价值2.87亿美元。Alenia was contracted in 2008 by the USAF in a $287 million deal to supply the aircraft.

美国有约30000军人驻扎韩国,其空军力量不容小觑。The USA has almost 30,000 personnel on the peninsula, with a significant USAF combat presence.

最早在1965年,美国空军开始了系统化研究新的高性战斗机。As early as 1965, the USAF had begun concept formulation studies of new high-performance fighters.

任何一个在综合测试大队飞F-22的人曾经都是一名美国空军的战斗机飞机员。Everyone who flies the F-22 at the Combined Test Force has been an operational USAF fighter pilot.

该电台也为美国空军提供网络、航空电子设备和软件的检查。It also affords the USAF the ability to perform numerous networking, avionics and software checks.

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头两架飞机现已交付给美国空军,且交付将一直持续到2011年。The first two aircraft have now been delivered to the USAF and deliveries will continue into 2011.

美国空军不知道导航员何以会对MQ-9“收获者”无人飞机系统失去控制。The USAF does not know how or why operators lost control of the MQ-9 Reaper Unmanned Aircraft System.

在多个保密项目中工作过之后,他成为了最早一批飞F-117的飞行员之一。After working on several classified programs, he became one of the first USAF pilots to fly the F-117.

目前尚无导致平民伤亡或财产损失的报告,据美国空军的声明说。There was no report of civilian casualties or damage to civilian property, according to a USAF statement.

因为多次出现汽车撞伤行人一类不甚严重的车祸,美国空军司令员决定将车速限制在每小时三英里。After a rash of minor vehicle pedestrian accidents, the USAF commander decided to reduce the speed limit to three m. p. h.

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在美国空军,研究试飞的飞行员大都毕业于加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地的美国空军试飞员学校。In the US Air Force, developmental test pilots tend to be graduates of USAF Test Pilot School at Edwards AFB , California.

战斗试飞员大多是经验丰富的武器教官,来自内华达州内尔尼斯空军基地的美国空军武器学校。Operational test pilots tend to be experienced weapon instructors, graduates of USAF Weapons School at Nellis AFB, Nevada.

美国空军海军正在部署所谓“空海战争”,一种旨在最大化它们在太平洋地区的联合军力的运作概念。USAF and the Navy are developing "AirSea Battle," an employment concept aimed at maximizing their joint-force power in the Pacific.