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最后期限是生活中的精灵之尘。Deadlines are the pixie dust of life.

薇诺娜·赖德实则是选择这款短发的先驱,她在1997年完美的诠释了这种发型,并引发了它的风靡。Winona Ryder practically pioneered the pixie hair craze in 1997.

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小包子说也要玩烟火,吵著他妈妈一定要买,只好买个仙女棒应付。Rudy want to play the firework, so Rita buy the pixie dust for he.

在小精灵力量交换程序里有四个小精灵帮助摧毁家庭嬉戏的街区。There are four Pixies in Pixie Power Swapper to aid the block destroying family fun.

许昌共出土三件大型汉代石雕天禄、辟邪。Three large stone sculptures named Tianlu and Pixie of Han dynasty are unearthed in Xuchang.

你的小精灵力量米以你的成绩上升,当它丰盛的时候你推进到下一个舞台。Your pixie power meter rises with your score, and when it is full you advance to the next stage.

他不敢抬头,觉得自己像个小精灵,而且想告诉喇嘛这一点,但他不敢抬头看他。He feels like a pixie and wants to tell the Lama so, but he dares not lift his head to look at him.

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如果耳垂到下巴的长度大于2.25英尺,你适合选择长发,如果这个长度小于2.25英寸,那么你适合短发,甚至超短发。If that distance is less than 2.25, you have a face suited to short hair, even a super-short pixie cut.

没多久之后,为了摇下她身上的仙尘,彼得·潘在她屁股上拍了好一巴掌。Soon thereafter, in an effort to shake loose some pixie dust, Peter Pan gives her a right good spanking.

其实上,佩妮,他是罗宾汉,-,我是彼得·潘。我手里还有一把有你名字的魔法粉。Actually, Penny, he's Robin Hood. -I'm Peter Pan. And I got a handful of pixie dust with your name on it.

他们对加利福尼亚州欧佳山谷的“小精灵”中国橘子进行了研究。They studied "Pixie" mandarin trees in the Ojai Valley of California. Mandarin oranges are also known as tangerines.

其结果就是一张更有型的尖下巴“瓜子脸”,与人们印象中的西式“小精灵”面容相似。The result is a more sculpted face and a more triangular chin that resembles the supposed "pixie" look of Western faces.

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他不敢抬头,觉得自己像个小精灵,而且想告诉喇嘛这一点,但他不敢抬头看他。He dares not lift his head. He feels like a pixie and wants to tell the Lama so, but he dares not lift his head to look at him.

她的体育高时装品牌很时尚,很性感,新的精灵切割,建模和杂耍在常青藤联盟大学课程。She's sporting a very stylish, very sexy, new pixie cut, modeling for high-fashion labels and juggling classes at an ivy league university.

本厂是在原新市皮鞋厂的基础厂上重建起来的,有一套完善的管理体系和开发能力。The factory is in the original Xinshi Pixie Chang on the basis of rebuilding the plant, a sound management system and development capabilities.

所以常在电视广告中出现、扎着小辫子的林妙可替代了杨佩宜在91000名现场观众和全世界电视观众面前,带着天使般的微笑,“唱”完了整首歌。So the pigtailed Lin Miaoke, a veteran of television ads, mouthed the words with a pixie smile for a stadium of 91,000 and a worldwide TV audience.

在位于佛罗里达的迪斯尼乐园的四个主题公园里,梦幻就是现实,随着小精灵光芒的洒落,无论发生什么都有可能。With a just a sprinkling of pixie dust, anything is possible in the four themed parks of Walt Disney World's Resort in Florida, where fantasy is reality.

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但温迪不会飞,所以彼得叫来小仙女,把“仙尘”洒在温迪的身上,这样她就能飞了。There is one problem, Wendy can't fly. Peter Pan calls on Tinker Bell the Pixie Fairy, to sprinkle her Magic Dust on Wendy so that she will be able to fly.

但即便是伯克利这样经营著一家全球制造企业的精明约克郡人,也表示,最伟大的那些创新,是沾了一种难以定义的“仙尘”的光。Yet even Mr Buckley, a hard-headed Yorkshireman running a global manufacturer, says the greatest innovations benefit from a sprinkling of hard-to-define "pixie dust".

遵从灵感的指引并非一件容易的事情,虽然灵感能让你事半功倍,但却总是“可遇而不可求”。Following the inspiration is difficult because that little pixie of inspiration that makes writing effortless and brilliant is not someone you can constantly count on.