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直到它在树丛下边转弯。To where it bent in the undergrowth.

干燥的林下植物被炎热的太阳点燃了。The dry undergrowth was set alight by the hot sun.

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奈提莉和杰克爬过一个矮树丛。NEYTIRI and JAKE crawl through the undergrowth. She points

他果断地钻进了缠手绊脚的荆棘丛。He flung himself resolutely into the tangle of undergrowth.

带有水果的清香和林下植物的香气。Its nose reveals fruit aromas along with undergrowth notes.

我看见在灌木丛里有某种大黑“猫”。And there in the undergrowth was some kind of big black cat.

士兵们用大砍刀乱砍森林中的矮树丛。The soldiers hacked at the jungle undergrowth with matchetes.

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岩石下潮湿的草丛使岩石上渗出水滴。Some water distilled over the rocks from the moist undergrowth.

林区大火实际上有助于清除很多枯死的矮灌木。The bushfire actually helped to burn off a lot of dead undergrowth.

一次,曹喊停止并指着灌木丛里的东西。Once, Cho called a halt and pointed at something in the undergrowth.

他们每天往返穿过丛林,已在茂密的矮丛中踩出了一条小路。Their daily trips through the jungle have made a path in the thick undergrowth.

偶尔,红色和蓝色小羚羊穿过杂乱的灌木丛。Occasionally, red Ogilby's and blue duikers crashed through the tangled undergrowth.

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战争或其他一些灾难如摧枯拉朽般将发育不良、苟延残喘的压力集团一扫而光。A war or some other catastrophe sweeps away the choking undergrowth of pressure groups.

有着可可粉、皮革、黑醋栗以及黑莓的混合香气且伴随着辛辣味。Complex bouquet with cocoa, leather and undergrowth aromas with fruity and spicy noces.

我们最多也就是指望能透过下层林丛在刹那间看到它一眼。The very best we could hope for was one fleeting glimpse of it through the undergrowth.

林下生境的黄酮类化合物成分最少,而冠层生境的成分最多。The components of flavonoids in canopy leaves are most and that in undergrowth areleast.

“用神迹把他搞掉啊,”克鲁利扫视着草丛,寻找其他管理学员的踪迹。"Miracle it away," said Crowley, scanning the undergrowth for any more management trainees.

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“用神迹把他搞掉啊,”克鲁利扫视着草丛,寻找其他管理学员的踪迹。"Miracle it away, " said Crowley, scanning the undergrowth for any more management trainees.

岛民所购买的全新车辆业已锈烂,被厚厚地覆盖在热带矮树丛中。The brand new cars which islanders bought are rusted wrecks smothered in tropical undergrowth.

此酒呈紫色,散发出桃子与甜杏的浓郁芳香,伴有些许甘草与树丛的气息。Purple color. Intense nose dominated by peach and apricot with notes of liquorice and undergrowth.