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一个NLP的方法。Swish. A technique from NLP.

但你是否想知道NLP到底是什么?But did you ever wonder what NLP really is?

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这些NLP技巧对每个人都非常有效。These NLP techniques are very effective and work on everyone.

在此准则下可以创建一个非线性规划的NLP模型。MSE rule and build a NLP method at the rule of MSE are also presented.

NLP试着用质疑结论的方式来改变这种信念系统。NLP tries to change this belief system by challenging these conclusions.

在另一个层次上,NLP又是自我发现、是寻找身份和生命意义。At another level, NLP is about self-discovery, exploring identity and mission.

如果能合理的运用,这5个NLP技巧会改变你生活的方方面面。If done properly, these five NLP techniques can change many aspects of your life.

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你会学到更多关于NLP的内容,并且可能会让你的生活有巨大的改善。You’ll learn a lot more about NLP and you might just drastically improve your life.

这是一个非常有用的NLP技巧,因为你可以一直不断的改变一个人的感觉。It is a very useful NLP technique because you can instantly change how the person feels.

句类分析系统是HNC语言理解技术的重要支柱。Sentence Category Analysis System is an important technology of HNC theory in NLP practice.

在NLP中应用主要是为了引出一些你对所做或所说的回应。It is mainly used in NLP to elicit some kind of emotional response to something that you do or say.

这个NLP技巧会中和掉由这些情景引起的负面情绪。This NLP technique will help you neutralise negative emotions that get triggered by such situations.

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该文探索了古代汉语,特别是先秦文献的词切分及词性标注。This paper explores the cross field between NLP and ancient Chinese, particularly the pre-Qin documents.

只有在消除自我之后你才能够充分地运用神经语言程序名下所有概括出来的原则。Only until after you've self-eliminated can you fully apply all the principles generalized under the name of NLP.

NLP和催眠有大量的技巧你能用来克服你的冲动习惯。NLP and Self-Hypnosis have plenty of tools you can use today to help you get some control over your compulsive habit.

翻译词典对于跨语言信息检索、计算机翻译等许多领域具有重要意义。Translation Dictionary is significant to NLP researches like cross-language information retrieval, machine translation et al.

果为汉语本身的庞纯性,开词题纲不断非汉语地然语曲言处放的沉要题纲。Because the own complexity of the Chinese language, Chinese word segmentation has always been the first problem in Chinese NLP.

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在接下来的几年里,我在伦敦和纽约与班德勒博士一起学习,并最终获得了NLP硕士学位。Over the next few years, I studied with Dr.Bandler in London and New York and earned a license as a Master Practitioner of NLP.

在接下来的几年里,我在伦敦和纽约与Bandler博士一起学习,并最终获得了NLP硕士学位。Over the next few years, I studied with Dr. Bandler in London and New York and earned a license as a Master Practitioner of NLP.

我之所以发这些陈述是因为在我的生活中,最大的变化是发生在通过语言处理家帮我处理我和客户的事情。The reason I make these statements, is because in my life, the biggest changes have happened by using NLP and both myself and my clients.