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来自北京的一大笔钱很快将流入冈比亚。Big money from Beijing going to flow into Gambian soon.

一项研究发现冈比亚有袋鼠可以很好的完成这个工作。Studies suggest that the Gambian pouched rat can do better.

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冈比亚田鼠是从加纳船运到美国的。The Gambian rats were shipped to the United States from Ghana.

目前还拟定了一个载运冈比亚部队的类似安排。A similar arrangement is being put in place to transport Gambian troops.

所以冈比亚男人把老婆称为“老板太太”就不奇怪了。It's no surprise that a Gambian man will refer to his wife as "boss lady".

这翔实的音乐网站有一个数组的录影带,宋剪辑以及传记冈比亚的音乐家之一。This informative music site has an array of videos , song clips as well as biographies of Gambian musicians.

本周四,阿达玛·巴罗在塞内加尔首都达喀尔的大使馆宣誓担任冈比亚总统。Adama Barrow was sworn in as Gambian president on Thursday at the Gambian embassy in Dakar, capital of Senegal.

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2008年9月10日—伊达是冈比亚的一位企业家,她打算出售土地,以便扩大其制造厂的规模。September 10, 2008—Ida is a Gambian entrepreneur who wants to sell her land to expand her manufacturing business.

如今越来越多的冈比亚移民放弃了他们的“中国梦”,并且想尽一切办法回到家乡。Now more and more Gambian migrants are giving up on their "Chinese Dream" and doing whatever they can to head home.

在非洲,有记录表明,人的感染是通过处理受感染的猴子、冈比亚巨鼠或者松鼠而获得的。In Africa, human infections have been documented through the handling of infected monkeys, Gambian rats or squirrels.

尼日利亚下议院进行了投票表决,以决定若冈比亚总统下台,是否可为其提供庇护。The Nigerian Lower House of Parliament has voted to offer the Gambian President, Yahya Jammeh, asylum, if he steps down.

有些病人可能通过接触其他被感染的动物而感染,包括冈比亚巨田鼠和一种野兔。Some patients may have been infected through contact with other infected animals, including a Gambian giant rat and a rabbit.

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冈比亚关于传统习俗的委员会已动员起来进行宣传教育,以影响社会各阶层。The Gambian Committee on Traditional Practices had taken action to inform and develop awareness among all sectors of society.

可可海洋度假村暨温泉酒店号称是一家“便宜而令人愉快”的冈比亚酒店,但事实上却堪称豪华。Once "cheap and cheerful", Gambian accommodation has improved, and the Coco Ocean Resort and Spa can only be termed luxurious.

我们向你保证,在你执行你重要任务的过程中,冈比亚代表团将对你提供充分的支持和合作。You can rest assured of the full support and cooperation of the Gambian delegation in carrying out your important assignments.

这里有松鼠猴,水豚,非洲甘比亚鼠,蝎子,蝴蝶孔雀鱼,还有大批的长尾鹦鹉,外来客的名单越来越长,列入其中的动物越来越多。Squirrel monkeys, capybara, Gambian pouch rats, scorpions, Butterfly Peacock fish, a menagerie of parakeets, the list goes on, and on and on.

冈比亚有袋鼠能够很容易地分辨出人类痰液中的结核杆菌与其它各种细菌的不同。The Gambian pouched rat apparently can smell the difference between tuberculosis bacilli and the myriad other germs that inhabit human phlegm.

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2003年,美国中西部地区的约20人感染了一种“猴痘”病毒,这种病毒源于从非洲进口的一批冈比亚巨鼠。For instance, in 2003 an outbreak of monkeypox affected around 20 people in the US midwest, traced to imported Gambian pouched rats from Africa.

我们无所不谈,话题从冈比亚的教育到伦敦出租车的价格。We discussed everything from Gambian education to the price of taxis in London, before he grabbed a folder from his glove compartment and dropped it on my lap.

甘比亚总统大选结果公布后,支持总统贾梅的舞者全身漆成绿色,在海滩上庆祝。Dancers painted green celebrate on the beach in support of Gambian President Yahya Jammeh after results of presidential elections were announced September 23, 2006.