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叫那个孩子不要把钥匙弄得丁当响。Ask the child to stop jingling the keys.

它们的叮当声会淹没你的低语。their jingling would drown thy whispers.

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我想他们正呆在金陵饭店。I think they are staying at Jingling Hotel.

自行车的丁丁当当的铃声在他耳中回响。The jingling of bicycle bells vibrated in his ears.

颠簸,那些金属器皿在玎珰作响。Those metal utensils are jingling as the car bumps along.

铁板拍打水泥路面的声音,嘈杂刺耳。Iron board flaps the concrete pavement, emitting jingling discord.

现在一上床,就能听到丁当丁当的声音。Once you get on the bed, you will hear the sound of jingling bells.

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我身体健康,口袋里有我三年储蓄的一大笔工钱,还有什么好担心的呢?I have everything I need. Three years' wages are jingling in my pocket.

你知道,这个叮当响的铃铛和驾着驯鹿在雪里穿行的故事吗?You know, the one about the jingling bells and riding through the snow?

竟陵派以“厚”作为诗学审美理想。The Jingling school believed the "thickness" as aesthetic ideal of poetics.

小手鼓是一种由边缘嵌有能叮当作响的小金属片的小鼓面。Tambourine is an instrument consisting of a small drumhead with jingling disks.

她用一只胳膊肘支在枕头上,敏捷地坐起来时,震得黄铜环叮零当啷响。She set the brasses jingling as she raised herself briskly, an elbow on the pillow.

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明代竟陵派也大力提倡“独抒性灵”。" Jingling in Ming dynasty were also strongly advocated the "independence express soul.

叮叮当当的钢琴声终于停止,和声学会的朋友们抱着枕头睡觉了。The jingling piano at last is silent, and the Harmonic friends rally round their pillows.

叮叮当当的钢琴声终于停止,和声学会的朋友们抱著枕头睡觉了。The jingling piano at last is silent, and the harmonic friends rally round their pillows.

刘虚白,竟陵人,擢元和进士第。诗一首。Liu virtual white, Jingling people, pull out the first element and Scholars. Write a poem.

人们会以为这是硬币的叮当声,但里面除了陶瓷碎片以外,什么也没有。People may take it to be the jingling of coins, but inside there is nothing but potsherds.

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在一段似乎永无休止的静音后,从带中听到了钥匙碰撞的叮当声。After a seemingly unending silence, the sound of keys jingling is picked up by the recorder.

一枚刚刚出炉的银先令高兴地喊,因为高兴他发出叮叮当当的声音。Silver Shilling that was just made a moment ago shouted for joy tinkling and jingling herself.

一辆马车叮当驶过,车上斜倚着一个人。最靠近门口的人中有一个看见了。A carriage went jingling by with some reclining figure in it. One of the men nearest the door saw it.