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在PowerPoint中应用设计模板Apply a Design Template in PowerPoint

如果是苹果电脑装配的用户,怎样看幻灯片文件?I am a MAC user. How do I view Powerpoint files?

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用你的直接和热情来代替PPT。Replace Powerpoint with directness and enthusiasm.

默认情况下,PowerPoint将添加的画的图表作为一个整体。By default, PowerPoint will add the animation to the chart as a whole.

而且,是的,有时一个演示报告根本就不需要用到PowerPoint。And — gasp — sometimes a presentation doesn’t have to use PowerPoint at all.

使用演示文稿文档的话,你还可以不连续的移动演示文稿。With PowerPoint you can also move through your presentation non-sequentially.

她用幻灯片展示了越南的风土人情。She put together a PowerPoint presentation on the people and culture of Vietnam.

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如果美国国家航空和航天管理局网站太分散学生的注意力,我将制作自己的幻灯片。If the NASA website proves to be too distracting, I will develop my own PowerPoint.

还好我的U盘里有PPT文件的备份。It was a good thing that I had a backup copy of my Powerpoint file on a flash drive.

让很多军官懊恼的是,PowerPoint在军队中已经普及了。PowerPoint is already ubiquitous within the Army — to the chagrin of many an officer.

节省点钱和纸张吧,你可以将最近的PPT上传到内容分享网站如SlideShare上。Save money and paper by uploading your latest PowerPoint to a service like SlideShare.

学生们首先观看卵子如何受精的幻灯片展示。Students first viewed a PowerPoint presentation illustrating how sperm fertilise eggs.

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你可以使用我们提供的模板,也可以上传JPEG文件,或者Powerpoint演示文稿或Flash文件。We have templates, or you can upload JPEGs, or a Powerpoint presentation or a Flash file.

PowerPoint演示汇报,是程序上的必要,但也是军事指挥官的致命祸根。PowerPoint briefings are de rigueur but are also the bane of the military commander's life.

我费尽心思精心准备介绍园艺装饰品的投影片也无法播放。My meticulously orchestrated PowerPoint presentation on garden ornaments could not be salvaged.

这些天,Schleicher带着演示文稿周游列国,文稿里详细地解释了他的研究成果。These days, Schleicher travels the world with a PowerPoint presentation detailing his findings.

大多数都把它封装在显示屏中,或者只存在文字稿或幻灯片上。Most are sealed inside display cases or exist only in press releases or PowerPoint presentations.

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在Simon回想起他数月前看的讲义时,闪过了一丝认可。There was a glimmer of recognition, as Simon recalled a Powerpoint he’d seen a few months before.

一个大卫·彼特雷乌斯将军的经典笑话是PowerPoint是每个将军的第一修正案。One of Gen. David Petraeus’ stock jokes is that PowerPoint is every general’s First Amendment right.

很多时候,他们只是告诉我们我们已经知道的事,只不过巧妙地用有表现力的幻灯片表现出来而已。Mostly, they have told us what we already know, but presented it ingeniously on zippy Powerpoint slides.