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的ASI是球在一个管式,以遏止有关。The ASI is the ball in a tube type to clamp on.

你现在才知道我是南苑人吗?You just know as long asI am a south Yuan person?

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以我判断,这辆车可以坐六个人。So far asI can judge, this car will hold six people.

阿思让阿铁约出前男友,结果失败了。Asi let Atie to call out her former boyfriend but fails.

这是一多态的种在亚洲热带里的广布的。This is a polymorphic species widespread in tropic al Asi a.

印度考古研究所的官员承认挖掘工作从一开始就注定失败。ASI officials admit that the excavation was doomed right from the beginning.

马萨诸塞州,新罕布什尔州和佛蒙特州和哥伦比亚特区。Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire y Vermont, así como el distrito de Columbia.

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我现在是在上海的一家宾馆里写这边文章,因特网处在中国政府强大的防火墙限制中。AsI write this, I am sitting in a hotelroom in Shanghai, behind the GreatFirewall of China.

当我记下这些的时候,我正呆在上海某处酒店客房里,计算机背后是互联网络安全的红墙。AsI write this, I am sitting in a hotel room in Shanghai, behind the Great Firewall of China.

他们坐着机车回去,释然的阿思对着旧恋人的位置挥手再见。They return by motor, Asi feels relived and waves to the palce in which the former lover lives.

该设计对小尺寸非晶硅有源驱动OLED的研究开发有一定的意义。What we do offered a helpful way for the design of aSi TFT driving array for active matrix OLED.

当我再仔细看这些小区域的光点时,我突然觉得他们好像星系一样。AsI looked more closely at the tiny areas of light, I suddenly realized theylooked like galaxies.

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该新闻称阿姆斯特朗将加入07环法冠军康塔多所在的阿斯特纳车队。This news said that Armstrong will join Asi who 07 link law champion conta many are at the Turner motorcade.

这是因为,印度考古局官员认为,3D扫描可能会引起人们的恐慌。This was because officials at the ASI believed that 3D scans might lead to the risk of possible terror strikes.

介绍ASI总线技术的特点以及在残极洗涤堆垛机组的应用。The article introduces technical property of ASI bus, and its application into scrap washing & stacking machine.

典型的中国人心态,冷血冷漠,我可以多赚钱就行了,其他的我为什么要在意?This is the typical chinese mindset , coldblooded , repitile like as long asI can make more money why should I care ?

方法比较观察阿是止泻胶囊对患病小鼠腹腔毛细血管通透性的影响。Methods Effect of Asi antidiarrheal capsules was observed on abdominal capillary permeability in the mice after treated.

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砂岩有棕木纹、戈壁黄、紫云和多彩四种不同色系,其产品包括荒料、板材、线条、雕刻品、家具、园林产品等。ASI sandstone has four main colours in its product range, that of palm grain, desert yellow , purple cloud and multi-colour.

正如我在电视上看BNN台时底部的股票消息时,我愣,因为我听到'鸡小综合征'了。As Iturned on the TV to check out the ticker tape at the bottom on BNN, I froze asI heard 'The Chicken Little Syndrome' again.

根据地方新闻媒体的报道,巴蒂斯塔现年55岁,但是ASI环球网站提供的他的个人专业档案中并不包含年龄信息。Local news media reported that Batista is 55, but his age was not included in his professional profile on the ASI Global Web site.