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我将成为宇航员。I will be an astronaut.

你是个忍者宇航员。You’re a Ninja Astronaut.

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我想成一名宇航员。I want to be an astronaut.

宇航员在地球上方的自拍像Astronaut Self-shot Over Earth

大概我将成为一位宇航员。Maybe I'll become an astronaut.

那么,为什么要成为一名宇航员呢?So why become an astronaut at all?

宇航员博奇喜欢玩一种游戏。Astronaut Bursch liked to play a game.

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是的,我想过成为一个宇航员。Yes, I have wanted to be an astronaut.

你曾想成为一个宇航员吗?Have you ever wanted to be an astronaut?

宇宙航行员在太空行走了半小时。The astronaut space walked half an hour.

对航天员的外围投篮水入他的嘴里。The astronaut shoots the water into his mouth.

对我来说,他不只是一个世界著名的宇航员。To me, he wasn't just a world-famous astronaut.

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杨利伟被称作“中国第一宇航员”。Yang Liwei was called "China's first astronaut".

谁是第一个遨游太空的宇航员?Who is the first astronaut that travelled in space?

比如在外太空,假如你是宇航员For example, in outer space, you've got an astronaut.

至少有一位月球行走宇航员对此没有什么好感。At least one moon-walking astronaut was not impressed.

但愿我能像宇航员那样遨游太空。I wish I could travel through space like an astronaut.

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明帝在太空总署受训成为太空人。Mindy learned to be an astronaut while working at NASA.

人们欢声雷动地迎接那位宇航员。The astronaut was welcomed with joyous,resounding acclaim.

我是一名宇航员。我乘坐宇宙飞船遨游于月空之中。I am an astronaut. I am traveling to the moon in a spacecraft.