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这些国家目前有一些借款的余地。Countries now have some headroom to borrow.

海图室有9英尺乘以11英尺大小,还有高达5英尺的充足的净空高度。The chart room was 9 feet by 11 feet and had 5 feet of generous headroom.

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头部的空间亦充裕,可是身高1.8公尺的乘坐便有点困窘。Foot well is sufficient for any adult. Headroom is good for an adult not taller than 1.8m.

今天随着高空偏南暖湿气流的减弱,傍晚前后降雨渐停。Slant as headroom today south what warm damp flows is abate, dusk around rainfall stops gradually.

LDP型超低静空起重机,低矮车间专用起重机,低静空车间起重机。LED type ultra-low headroom crane, low workshop dedicated crane, ultra-low headroom workshop crane.

从高度上来说,家庭装修的内净空高度不应少于2.6米。Come from height say, the family decorates inside headroom height do not answer little at 2. 6 meters.

第二层仅三个阶梯,而且乘客都坐在外侧,这样只需要较少空间。The second tier is up only three steps and passengers are seated laterally, thus requiring less headroom.

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大多数低音炮忽视低音扩展控制,其结果使动态余量受到损害。Most subwoofers neglect to provide bass extension control, and the result is that dynamic headroom is compromised.

可变换的40Hz高通滤波器允许隆隆的取消不必要的低端,在反过来又增加了整个系统的空间。A switchable 40Hz HPF allows for removal of unwanted low end rumble that in turn increases overall system headroom.

我无法从电压提高中获得更大的超频空间。为什么?最大的安全电压是哪个?I can't gain any more overclocking headroom by increasing the voltage. Why? What's the maximum safe voltage setting?

韩恩洞的中部洞高缩小,探洞人正在经无数年洪水冲刷磨圆的洞顶下通过。Headroom shrinks in the middle of Hang En as cavers pass beneath a ceiling scalloped by eons of floodwater rushing past.

在那些入围的车型中,11款具备最佳公路燃油效率、腿部和头上空间组合的汽车构成了我们这个名单。Of those finalists, the 11 vehicles with the best combination of highway fuel efficiency, legroom and headroom made our list.

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它的设计将涉及超频空间,以及一个冷却器优于参考设计的冷却性能。Its design will involve overclocking headroom , and a cooler superior to the reference design in terms of cooling performance.

它还呼吁电能使用的灵活性,以提供更多的热余量,在32纳米上提高性能或降低功耗。It also calls for power flexibility to provide more thermal headroom for either boosting performance or lowering power at 32nm.

截至目前,大多数国家尚未把关税提高到约束水平,也尚未充分利用农产品补贴的余量。To date most countries have not yet raised tariffs to bound levels or taken full advantage of headroom on agricultural subsidies.

这是超低噪音,高净空前置可容纳自己,对昂贵的独立精品风格的前置放大器甚至。These are ultra low noise, high headroom preamps that can hold their own, even against expensive standalone boutique-style preamps.

更宽的车身也使得设计者在增加车身肌肉感的同时而不减小车内空间。That wider stance also allowed designers to give the vehicle a more muscular stance with a lower roofline without compromising headroom.

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组合框架梁直用于住宅钢结构中,能起到减小框架梁梁高,增加建筑净空的作用。The composite frame beams can reduce the height of frame beam and increase the headroom of the building in steel structure of residence.

我能将音量开得特大而耳塞却不会听出失真,而且在安全的听音音量下单元也能良好地发挥应有的水准。I can push the drivers to high levels of volume without distortion, so safe listening volumes are well within the headroom of the drivers.

也许在高音的段落你不会很明显的听到它们,但在较为安静的部分你肯定能听到,这些噪音蚕食掉了宝贵的音场。Although you may not hear any of them during the louder passages, you probably will on the quieter ones, and this noise is eating up valuable headroom.