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他的脸上流露出厌恶的神色。He looked his disgust.

她厌恶地扭过脸去。She turned away in disgust.

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杜库反感地关闭通讯器。He shut his comlink in disgust.

她厌恶地噘起了嘴。She pursed her lips with disgust.

卫兵厌恶的撅了撅嘴。The guard’s lip curled with disgust.

我们知道有些东西会引起我们反感。And we know certain things about disgust.

这是在工作中发现的关于厌恶感的结论。This is one application of disgust at work.

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老板皱皱眉表露出厌恶。The boss manifested his disgust with a scowl.

爸爸看了看,厌恶地皱了皱脸。Dad looked, then wrinkled his face in disgust.

她扭曲着脸表示厌恶。She drew up her face in an expression of disgust.

丝苔妮的脸色变昏暗表现出一幅厌恶。Stephanie’s face darkened into a look of disgust.

她一定会发泄她的厌恶和憎恨的。Her detestation and disgust must have found voice.

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医生走后,我母亲厌恶地摇摇头。When he left, my mother shook her head in disgust.

他们打肖恩最后一次和厌恶的走了。They hit Seán one last time and went away in disgust.

她望着他,脸上露出爱与恨交织的表情。She looked at him, love and disgust mingled on her face.

她望着他,脸上露出爱与恨交织的表情。She looked at him, love and disgust mingling on her face.

在她的旁边,一个瘦得多的男士厌恶地撇着嘴。Next to her, a much skinnier man curled his lip in disgust.

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山姆很反感地扔下书,狂叫着从屋里跑了出去。Sam threw his books in disgust and stormed out of the room.

最后,她看到提到头发的那一句,心里觉得一阵恶心。Lastly she arrived at the tresses and felt a qualm of disgust.

她受玷污之后,遂即厌弃了他们。They dishonored her so much that she turned from them in disgust.