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斜纹棉布裤可能是卡其色。Chinos can be khaki color.

卡其色有点偏重,不过挺好看。Khaki little too much weight, but very pretty.

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卡其布是很耐久的布料,广泛用来制作制服。Khaki is a durable fabric that is widely used for uniforms.

他穿着人们熟悉的卡其色中山装,戴着墨镜。He wore a familiar Mao-style khaki jumpsuit and dark sunglasses.

儿时的衣着,主要是被一种叫蓝涤卡布所制作的中山装所统治。His clothes, is called a blue dacron khaki produced Chinese rule.

我那天穿了一身咔叽布猎装,是当时很流行的款式。That day I wore a khaki safari suit, a popular style. at the time.

卡其是一种颜色,但是现在等义于一种军事斜纹裤。Khaki is a color, but is now synonymous with a military twill pant.

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一件非卡其色而是黑色皮革军大衣。A trenchcoat in black patent leather, rather than the expected khaki.

底色采用土黄带绿色和墨线形成对比。I apply khaki with green to the impression that contrast with ink lines.

迈克向我走过来,一路挥着手,他穿着卡其色的短袖衫,套在一件条纹橄榄球衫外。Mike was coming toward me in khaki shorts and a striped Rugby shirt, waving.

他们穿着灰色卡其布工作服,带着草帽,穿着工作鞋。The men were dressed in gray and khaki work clothes, straw hats, and work shoes.

他不穿西装,喜欢穿亚麻夹克和卡其布长裤,而且不打领带。He has abandoned suits in favour of linen jackets and khaki trousers and no tie.

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织布厂的产品是以全棉绒布、灯芯绒、纱卡、牛仔布为主的产品。The first one is specializing in cotton flannelette, corduroy, yarn khaki and denim.

他们都穿着熨平的迪斯基卡其裤,白T恤,白色查泰勒运动鞋。The guys all wore pressed Dickies khaki pants, white tees, and hi-top white Chuck Taylors.

由于他们的努力的承认,这是后来取代了卡其色的工作服和帽制服。As a recognition of their efforts it was later replaced by a uniform of khaki overalls and caps.

旁边一孩童,年仅四岁,身着咔叽套装,却已是两条铁路干线联合公司的法人。Nearby is a child of four, in a khaki suit, who represents the merger of two trunk line railways.

根据你皮鞋的颜色,可以在棕色或黑色的皮带中选择一条与卡其裤搭配。According to the color of your shoes can be brown or black belt in choosing a mix with khaki pants.

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对于男士而言,便装日可以穿着卡其布的裤子,纽扣领的衬衫或者不打领带的西装衬衫,运动夹克和休闲鞋。For men, that would be khaki slacks, a button-down or dress shirt without a tie, a blazer and loafers.

Girard穿着卡其裤,看起来很贵的皮鞋,有波纹的兰色钮扣。Girard is wearing pressed khaki pants, expensive-looking leather loafers and a crisp blue button-down.

了解如何从一个专业裁缝铁在这个自由一步一步的视频在卡其裤折痕。Learn how to iron a crease in khaki pants from a professional seamstress in this free step-by-step video.