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最后,弗兰妮晕倒了。Eventually Franny faints.

谁赌他"晕倒"?Who had money on "faints"?

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她头晕目眩,昏倒在地。She becomes dizzy and faints.

他马上晕倒在了他的桌子边。He faints in his desk at once.

每个人都昏倒时,他们闻我的脚。Everyone faints when they smell my feet.

她一看见血就犯晕。She always faints at the sight of blood.

姐姐哦,太多了,看得我头都晕了。Elder sister, too much, see so that my head faints.

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定一忽然昏倒,秀明送他到医疗室。Ding Yi faints and Xiu Ming sends him to the hospital.

肚子疼晕倒是怎么回事?Is collywobbles faints how to return a responsibility?

在一个炎热的夏天,一位上了年纪的男子昏倒在街头。On a hot summer day an elderly gentleman faints in the street.

在一个炎热的夏天,一位上了年纪的男子昏倒在街头。On a hot summer day an elderly gentleman faints in the street. A small

菲罗克忒忒斯因为极度的痛苦而大声喊叫并且晕倒了。Philoctetes cries out and faints from the extremity of his sufferings.

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渐渐地变得骨瘦如柴,一天终于昏倒路旁,奄奄一息。Becomes gradually thin, one day finally faints the roadside, suffocates.

可是超能战士使出‘佯攻’,一下便打倒烈焰马。However, Gallade unleashes a Feint, and in one hit faints the fire horse.

记得那些老电影中软弱无力的女性被发现正怀有身孕吗?Remember those old movies in which a woman who faints is found to be pregnant?

被蛰了之后,受害者通常会尖叫着离开水面,而后昏倒在沙。After contact, the victim usually leaves the water screaming and faints on the sand.

就在这时,第四个人晕了过去,当他醒来时,其他人问他怎麽了。At this point, the fourth guy faints. When he comes to, the others ask what's wrong.

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就在这时,第四个人晕了过去,当他醒来时,其他人问他怎么了。At this point, the fourth guy faints . When he comes to, the others ask what's wrong.

太子港某诊所,一名妇女晕倒在救援人员怀里。A woman faints in the arms of a medic in an emergency clinic in Petionville in Port-au-Prince.

在乾旱疲乏无水之地,我的魂渴想你,我的身切慕你。My soul thirsts for You, My flesh faints in longing for You, In a dry and weary land without water.