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她跌了一跤,脚踝脱臼了。Her ankle disjointed when she fell.

罪犯杀死并肢解了她。The criminal killed and disjointed her.

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老人跌跤时把膝关节摔脱了臼。The old man disjointed his knee when he fell.

土库曼加盟共和国脱离了苏联。The Republic of Turkmenistan disjointed from USSR.

关于通用疫苗的研究很杂乱。What research there is on universal vaccines is disjointed.

你拥有了内涵,并不再拥有一系列脱节的任务。You have a sense of meaning, rather than a disjointed series of tasks.

在您完成之后,您就可以创建两个不相关的虚拟镜像。When you're done, you can create two disjointed sets of virtual images.

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对求得的K树进行不交化运算,最终得到网络的SKT可靠性。All the K-trees are disjointed in order to get the SKT reliability of network.

在天的战术,拆散营销活动和项目编号。The days of tactical, disjointed marketing campaigns and programs are numbered.

这个剧最后突然把支离破碎的内容拉到一起得出一个武断的结论。The play finally jerks its disjointed and bitty way to an arbitrary conclusion.

所不同的是在睡眠中神经元的反映是同步、短暂和杂乱的。But unlike their synchronization during sleep, these oscillations were brief and disjointed.

我们在发展有效的指导方针方面的失败使得报告的写作缺乏条理。Our failure to develop style guidelines also entailed a wildly disjointed manner of writing.

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在右侧的表示方式中,离散的字符串通过连接节点组合在一起。In the representation on the right, a disjointed string is combined using a concatenation node.

当问及年轻的灰熊现在是什么心情时,兰多夫说他们都感觉很受伤但是并没有慌乱。Asked about the psyche of the youthful Griz, Randolph said they are frustrated but not disjointed.

宝玉听了此曲,散漫无稽,不见得好处,但其声韵凄惋,竟能销魂醉魄。Baoyu could see no merit in these disjointed and cryptic songs, but the plaintive music intoxicated his senses.

由于信息共享标准的缺失,"一站式"电子政务系统建设条块分割、各自为政现象突出。Due to the standards, "one-stop" electronic administration system construction and fragment, disjointed phenomenon.

如果一个孩子感到和你脱节了,你接下来就叫他做点事情,这样他才不会一团烦闷!If a child feels disjointed from you and then you ask them to do something, they can become little balls of anguish.

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采用倒圆锥形和螺柱形搅拌头焊接的接头焊合不良,质量较差。The quality of the beads welded with inverted taper and cylindrical screw pin is poor, only partially jointed or disjointed.

由于所有消息都按顺序处理,应用程序流不会被回调和中断分离,因此更容易调试。Easier to debug because the messages are all handled sequentially and the flow is not disjointed by callbacks and interrupts.

切尔西没有融合在一起呢?看看吧,这些大牌参加了世界杯和别的比赛,阿杜对记者说。Disjointed Chelsea? Come on! Those guys have played in World Cups and other major championships, " Adu told the Daily Express."