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你的寄宿家庭怎么样?How's your homestay?

也可以住在当地人家中。You could live in a homestay.

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您可以住家庭旅馆。You may stay in the homestay.

我应该要住在宿舍还是寄宿家庭?。Should I live in dormitory or homestay?

我叫珍妮,我在美国家庭寄宿。I am Jenny, homestay in a Amercia family.

我的寄宿家庭妈妈热诚地迎接我。My homestay mother greeted me with cordiality.

你预订好了家庭住宿或校内住宿吗?Have you found a homestay or housing off-campus?

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你和你的寄宿家庭相处的好吗?Are you getting along well with your homestay family?

请朋友来访需先征得住宿家庭的同意。Ask permission to bring your friends to your homestay.

我知道了很多语言班级和我的寄宿家庭的一些事情。I know many things about English class and our homestay family.

家庭寄宿在发达国家已经有了好几十年的历史。Homestay in developed countries already have decades of history.

客人可以在寄宿家庭为国际学生问题。Staying in homestay can be problematic for international students.

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当你到达时,你所在的寄宿家庭将给你一张有关“学生住宿”的宣传单。Your Homestay will give you a 'Student Accommodation' leaflet when you arrive.

在社区里的13个家庭同时提供住家以支持基于社区的旅游业。Thirteen households within the community also serve as a homestay to enable CBT.

寄宿家庭也会给你一张地图并告诉你怎么样去学校。Your Homestay should also give you a map and tell you how to get to the college.

"世博人家"的参与者、64岁的退休教师叶萍华如是说。This is the hostess of a homestay family, 64-year-old retired teacher Ye Pinghua.

我知道,现在最好的做法就是帮到她找到更好的住宿条件。I know , Now the best thing is to help her find a better Homestay or student hostel.

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到达后他们与至少一个同伴直接住进当地的居民家里。Upon arrival, they will go directly to a family homestay with at least one other fellow student.

对以上的各项规定及方针我已经仔细阅读并且理解。因此,我同意参加这项家庭寄宿项目。I have read and understood the above. I agree to participate in the homestay program accordingly.

不要认为您太老不适合家庭寄宿,因为我们的很多学生比他们的房东“父母”更老。Do not assume that you are too old for a homestay as many of our students are older than their host "parents".