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17世纪以前,撇号很少被运用。Before the seventeenth century the apostrophe was rare.

我在纸上写下那个词,但他加了那一撇。I put that word on the page, but he added the apostrophe.

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可以用重音符号来表示某种特定的说话腔调。An apostrophe can be used to show certain speech patterns.

起初,撇号用于标识一个音节的省略,渐渐地又用于表示拥有。Initially the apostrophe was used to signify the omission of a sound.

在Ash这样写的时候,撇号还被用于名词末尾组成复数。By the time Ash was writing, the apostrophe was being used to form plurals.

在老太太的膝盖上有一个很大的镰刀状的伤口,就像一个撇号。On the old woman's knee was a large drop of blood shaped like an apostrophe.

假如说英语有什么理性纪律的话,一个灾难就是一只长着毛的单引号。If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur.

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不过,出乎撇号形象护卫者的意料,撇号的地位一直尚待讨论。But, contrary to what defenders of the apostrophe imagine, its status has long been moot.

如果选择“智能引号”为此处的撇号,撇号在单元格中仍然可见。If "smart quotes" are selected for apostrophes , the apostrophe remains visible in the cell.

在带引号的字符串两个连续的撇号表示一个字符,即一个单引号。Two sequential apostrophes in a quoted string denote a single character, namely an apostrophe.

在她回到住宅前,高维内尔重新点燃了一直雪茄,结束了他对夜晚的感叹。Before she reached the house, Gouvernail had lighted a fresh cigar and ended his apostrophe to the night.

作为一种修辞格,呼语常被用在诗歌中,并伴随着示现或拟人的形式出现。As a kind of figure of speech, apostrophe often appears in poetry in the form of vision or personification.

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起初,撇号用于标识一个音节的省略,渐渐地又用于表示拥有。Initially the apostrophe was used to signify the omission of a sound. Gradually it came to signify possession.

普渡在线写作研究室也解释了如何在所有格及其它时态中如何正确使用撇号。The purdue online writing lab also explains how to use an apostrophe correctly in possessives and other cases.

但这几家企业龙头近来都顺应潮流,把撇号拿掉,以求「简化」企业商标。Each of these corporate giants has adopted a trend to "simplify" its corporate logo by dropping the apostrophe.

第四行特别麻烦,因为不仅遗漏了撇号,而且还遗漏了替代参数!The fourth line is particularly troubling because not only is the apostrophe missing but so is the substitution parameter.

他说,人们无需担心“短信用语”渗透进日常用语之中,他甚至呼吁废除英语中的所有格符号。He said that people should stop worrying about "text message speak" creeping into general usage and called for the apostrophe to be abolished.

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他说,人们无需担心“短信用语”渗透进日常用语之中,他甚至呼吁废除英语中的所有格符号。He said that people should stop worrying about "text message speak" creeping into general usage and called for the apostrophe to be abolished.

他们自然地运用文学技巧如暗喻、明喻、夸张、平行结构、首语重复法、结句反复和押韵来描述自己的情感。They use literary techniques naturally to describe their feelings, such as metaphors, similes, hyperbole, parallelism, anaphora, apostrophe and rhyming.

那妇人每次从他面前走过,他总吸上一口雪茄,把烟喷她,并向她说些自以为诙谐有趣的怪话,如“你多么丑!”Each time that the woman passed in front of him, he bestowed on her, together with a puff from his cigar, some apostrophe which he considered witty and mirthful, such as, "How ugly you are!