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床架上轻薄的纱帐。The frivolous gauze account on bedstead.

床架上一个松动的球形铜扣发出嘎啦声。A loose brass knob on the bedstead rattled.

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他用脚钩住床架坐了起来。He hooked his feet on the bedstead and sat up.

她晕倒了,头撞在金属床架上。She fainted and hit her head on the metal bedstead.

床架轮廓美丽柔和,线条不失流畅。Bedstead is statuesque downy, line is not broken fluent.

只为伯爵夫人一人在一张床架上铺了床。For the countess only a bed had been made up on a bedstead.

他有一张铁床架,并宣称这张铁床架适合所有人。He had an iron bedstead , which he boasted was fit for everyone.

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在这个房间里可以看见一张铺好的床和几只打开的手提包和箱笼。In that room there was a folding bedstead and open trunks and boxes.

吉洪和一个仆人搬来一张床,开始铺起来。Tihon brought the bedstead in with the footmen, and began putting it up.

当我们走出屋子来到走廊上时,我们看见母亲躺在外面院子的一张床上。As we came out into the verandah we saw my mother laid on a bedstead in the courtyard.

这种床常常用在南方,四周的床架可以悬挂帐子用以避蚊。This bed is often used in the South, the bedstead can fly around the mosquito net to avoid mosquito.

暖和的羽毛靠枕软化心情,而金属床架则勾勒一个古典的梦幻。Mood of warm bate of feather back cushion and metallic bedstead draws the outline of a classic dream.

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言重终于等到工人送来床架,并把床架放在厅中当椅子用。Sent bedstead YanChong finally wait for workers, and put the bedstead in use when the chair in the hall.

两男子在坐在漂浮于海洋上的床上,准备从达弗尔穿越英吉利海峡。Two men sit on-board a floating bedstead in the sea near Dover, England, preparing to cross the Channel.

这是一间空荡荡的、没有任何装饰的小屋,只有一个旧衣柜、一把木椅子和一张铁床。It was a small bare room with nothing in it except an old wardrobe, a wooden chair, and an iron bedstead.

床的下部则有雕刻成兽脚的样式,这种兽脚的设计也是典型的欧洲装饰风格。The legs of the bedstead are carved in the form of claws, a typical detail in European ornamental design.

过了一会儿,老皇后走进了那间卧房,拿走了所有的床上用品,并且在床板上放了一颗豌豆。After a while, the old queen went into that bedroom, took all the bedclothes off and laid a pea on the bedstead.

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这时,他听到深深的一声热呼呼的叹息。她翻了翻身,床架上那松垮垮的黄铜环随之叮零当啷直响。He heard then a warm heavy sigh , softer , as she turned over and the loose brass quoits of the bedstead jingled.

美国、日本进口床垫及马来西亚、泰国进口床架,挪威进口的舒适椅及沙发。Mattress produced from America and Japan. Bedstead produced from Malaysia and Thailand. Sofa produced from Norway.

这卧室里的沙岩地面极其冰冷,一张破床和一个破烂的脸盆架,是里面仅有的家具。The sand-stone floor of the bed-room was icy cold, an old bedstead and worn-out wash-stand being its only furniture.