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阿兹台克农民配备战棍作战。Aztec peasants are armed with a simple club.

阿兹台克人的宗教信仰是一种嗜杀的宗教。The religion of the Aztec was a bloodthirsty one.

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历史上,巧克力曾经是只有玛雅王国和阿兹特克国王的国王才能享用到的饮料。Chocolate was once the drink of Mayan and Aztec kings.

我们制作的是阿芝台克汤,就像是玉米饼鸡汤。We made Aztec soup, which is like a tortilla chicken soup.

你创作阿芝台克人的大门的灵感是什么?What was your inspiration in creating the Aztec Gatehouse?

阿兹台克矛兵装备长矛、轻甲和皮盾。Aztec spearmen armed with a spear, light armour and shield.

图尼奇选择的拍摄地——宪法广场,曾经是墨西哥古代的阿兹台克王朝的中心地段。Zocalo Square is the heart of Mexico's ancient Aztec empire.

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因此才有了阿兹特克人献祭,这些古老的日蚀仪式。Hence the Aztec sacrifices, the ancient rites of the eclipse.

它们的名字来源于阿芝台克语,意为“生活在水中的怪物”。It takes its name from the Aztec word meaning "water monster."

当今阿之台克文化中,墨西哥人也珍视巧克力。The Aztec culture in current day Mexico also prized chocolate.

阿兹台克战士们只有作战捕获敌军后方可成为矛兵。Aztec spearmen are Aztec warriors who have yet to capture an enemy.

阿芝科特联盟源于一场对外征服和同化的战役。The Aztec confederacy began a campaign of conquest and assimilation.

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与现在城市高速公路的车流相比,当时阿兹太克军队的行进想必是一件轻而易举的事情。Aztec armies must have been a doddle compared with traffic on the urban freeway.

或之间的西班牙探险家科尔特斯和阿兹特克国王蒙特祖马会议。Or the meeting between the Spanish explorer Cortez and the Aztec king Montezuma.

阿之台克的统治者每天喝50杯巧克力饮料。The Aztec ruler Montezuma was believed to drink fifty cups of chocolate every day.

当西班牙探险家来到墨西哥,他们看到阿兹特克王使用伞。When the Spanish explorers went to Mexico, they saw the Aztec kings using umbrellas.

据说阿芝特克皇帝蒙德泽马每天要饮50罐这种饮料。The Aztec Emperor Montezeuma was said to have drunk 50 jars of this beverage per day.

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边远的疆土被纳入帝国,变成复杂的阿芝科特社会的一部分。Outlying lands were inducted into the empire and became part of the complex Aztec society.

一个阿芝台克黄铜匠制作的阿芝台克雨神特拉洛克被放置在市中心的玛雅遗迹馆里。An Aztec brazier in the Templo Mayor Museum in Mexico City depicts Tlaloc, the god of rain.

阿兹台克棍兵装备镶甲、墨西哥盾牌和玛喀霍特战棍。Aztec warrior armoured with padded armour, a chimalli shield and armed with a maquahuitl club.