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请把果酱罐密封。Please make the fruit jar airtight.

同时,加完油后,检查一下油箱盖是否拧紧了。Also check the seal on your fuel cap is airtight.

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以防万一,将它们储存在密闭冷藏袋吧。As a precaution, put them in an airtight freezer bag.

充好气的球可以说是完全封闭不透气的。A charged gas that is completely closed ball can airtight.

最后,将太妃糖放在密闭容器中,在冰箱里存储一周时间,就可以了。Store in an airtight container in refrigerator up to 7 days.

我被封闭在密不透气的玻璃小屋里。I am sealed in a cottage of glass that is completely airtight.

我生活在一个密不透风的玻璃小屋中。I am sealed in a cottage of glass that is completely airtight.

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用丁基合成橡胶粘合胶将罩盖密封在热交换器上。Seal cover over the heat exchanger airtight with butyl adhesive.

物料是在密闭容器中进行混合、无粉尘飞扬。Materials are mixed in the airtight container, without dust flying.

蛋白糖能在密封的容器内室温贮藏3天。Meringues keep in an airtight container at room temperature 3 days.

放入密封容器内,可保存大约一周时间。Stored in an airtight container , these will keep for about a week.

为了得到更好的冲泡咖啡,应该把咖啡放在陈列柜上的一个密封罐内保存。For a better brew, keep coffee in an airtight canister in a cabinet.

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拿一个密闭容器并移入您的面粉放置于冰箱中。Grab an airtight container and plant your flour in the refrigerator.

将面包在烤箱里烤上3~5分钟,再真空保存起来即可。Toast 3-5 minutes in a warm oven and store in an airtight container.

戴个人防护处理。将泄露物收集在可密闭容器中。Put on safeguard while managing. Collect leaks in airtight container.

我们用一个厚塑料密封壳将盔甲与穿戴者包裹起来。We surrounded the armor and wearer with a thick airtight plastic shell.

罐装辣椒启封以后,最好在密闭容器内冷藏,这样可以保存五天。After opening, refrigerate in an airtight container for up to five days.

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要考虑采用密封设计取代漏风的地方。Consider replacing these with models designed for airtight construction.

禁止使用明火加温或在密闭状态下熔解漆料。Prohibit using a direct fire or liquating paint under airtight condition.

所述气密钢壳采用H型钢排列焊接而成。The airtight steel shell is formed by alignment welding the H shaped steel.