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那条可怕的黑纱幔!The dreadful black veil!

那是为什么可怕的原因。That is why it was so dreadful.

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看看这一个骇人的证据吧!Behold a dreadful witness of it!

您的处境真糟糕。What a dreadful situation for you.

她看到那可怕的情景直打嗦。She throbbed at the dreadful sight.

他戴顶难看透顶的巴拿马草帽。He is wearing a dreadful Panama hat.

但停滞的那段时间是可怕的。But the time of suspense is dreadful.

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地震是一种可怕的灾难。The earthquake was a dreadful disaster.

那吓人的囚车在隆隆地响!There's the roll of them dreadful carts!

我们在等待上帝令人生畏的审判。We are waiting for God's dreadful judgement.

这种可怕的景象使她感到毛骨悚然。The dreadful sight chilled her to the marrow.

他进来了,叫喊着不堪入耳的咒骂的话。He entered vociferating oaths dreadful to her.

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伊丽莎白心里很奇怪,可是嘴上一言未发。The pause was to Elizabeth's feelings dreadful.

他坚持要骑那辆破自行车。He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.

罗斯一家人可怕的煎熬终于在上午9点钟结束了。The Rosses' dreadful ordeal finally ended at 9 am.

这里面肯定出差错了——一个十分可怕的差错。Here is some mistake I am sure--some dreadful mistake.

在这个国家,天气嗵常十分恶劣。In this country, the weather is usually very dreadful.

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事实情况是,戴维斯夫人罹患的两种病都是要命的。The fact is that Mrs. Davis had two dreadful diagnoses.

“去监狱谅必让你心里很难过吧?”阿历克斯说道。"That must have been a dreadful experience, " said Alex.

这对过去十年中贯彻的福利主义是个糟糕的评论。This is a dreadful comment on the past decade of welfarism.