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我们又一次看到富裕的优势。Again we see the advantage of affluence.

我们付予员工满足与丰裕。We bring contentment and affluence to employees.

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耗费和富裕往往是联系在一起的。Effluence and affluence have a way of going together.

最大的问题也许在于年轻人的财富观。Japan’s biggest problem may be the attitudes of affluence.

心脏病、癌症、糖尿病、营养过剩引起的肥胖症。Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity--diseases of affluence.

但是,在美国,富裕并没有使它走向放纵与衰落。But in the U.S., affluence did not lead to indulgence and decline.

在18世纪的欧洲,没有什么比一个大菠萝更有影响力的了。In 18th century Europe, nothing said affluence like a massive pineapple.

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我们有这么多年的富足是因为我们有四个大洲可以开采。The reason we had great age of affluence is we had four continents to exploit.

中国人想最终实现的,是通过民主化达到人民富裕和国家强盛。What Chinese want is the affluence of the people and the prosperity of the nation.

富勒姆的主场位于泰晤士河上的权利,在富裕的入闸机研磨。Fulham's home ground sits right on the Thames, affluence lapping at its turnstiles.

这是`寻求身份与富裕象征的自咱拆台的特征。This is the self-defeating character of the search for the symbols of status and affluence.

富裕的物质生活是件很好的事情,看看那张图就可以明白,世界各地的人们看起来也都同意这一点。Affluence is a pretty good deal. Judging from that map, the people of the world seem to agree.

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如果欧元区瓦解,那其成员国迈向富裕将更加难上加难了。If the euro zone crumbles, pulling more of those people toward affluence would surely become much harder.

可由泽丰街、青松观路及轻铁泽丰站的出口前往。It is accessible from Chak Fung Street, Tsing Chung Koon Road and Light Rail Transit of Affluence station.

后来,出现了多层蛋糕,下面用装饰性的脱水糖霜做支撑,也是夸耀富裕。Later, tiered cakes, with their cement-like supports of decorative dried icing, also advertised affluence.

在火车上,卡丽结识了旅行推销员查尔斯·鲁艾,他挺阔气,处世老练,对她很有吸引力。On the train she meets Charles Drouet, a travelling salesman, whose sophistication and affluence charm her.

但现在,在社会富裕与我们普遍自省倾向的共同作用下,这已成为常事。But now, as a joint result of affluence and our general leaning towards introspection, it has become the norm.

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随之,财富与权力推动繁荣和奢靡,而繁荣与奢靡必将导致颓废、腐败与衰落。Wealth and power lead to affluence and luxury. Affluence and luxury lead to decadence, corruption and decline.

另外,本文还结合实验结果对影响聚丙烯耐候性能的一些因素进行了初步探讨。Primary discussion for affluence factor of Weatherability was progressed according to the result of experimentation.

1990年代,由于财富在全球范围的传播,中产阶级们开始穿着羊毛制品,云先生因此而致富。As affluence spread worldwide in the 1990s, the middle classes began to wear cashmere and Mr. Yrthashun grew prosperous.