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公元前44年,凯撒大帝被刺。BC 44, Julius Caesar was stabbed.

朱利叶斯Rosenwald是一个商人。Julius Rosenwald was a businessman.

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关于朱利叶斯凯撒你知道些什么?What do you know of Julius Caesar ?

凯撒在公元前五十年时征服高卢。Julius Caesar subdued Gaul in 50 B. C.

直到那天尤利乌斯·凯撒才开始统治罗马Rome。Until that day Julius Caesar ruled Rome.

朱利叶斯开始探索它们是如何运作的。Julius set out to discover how they do it.

朱利叶斯1938年被卡车撞死。Julius was hit by a truck and killed in 1938.

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盖乌斯·尤利乌斯·恺撒真是伟大的人!Truly a wonderful man was Caius Julius Caesar!

克娄巴特拉的美貌使恺撒一见倾心。Julius Caesar was ravished by Cleopatra's beauty.

尤利乌斯·恺撒在这点上就很天才。This is where Julius Caesar was quite the genius.

罗密欧与朱丽叶,恺撒大帝,威尼斯商人。Romeo & Juliet, Julius Caesar, The Merchant of Venice.

我可以告诉你尤里乌斯·凯撒给文件编码的方式。so I can tell you how Julius Caesar encoded his things.

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七月,是在朱利亚斯·凯撒,一个著名的罗马将领之后命名的。July, is named after Julius Caesar, a famous Roman general.

公元前95年,朱蒂斯。凯撒率领罗马军队侵略英国。B. c. 95 the roman army under julius caesar invaded britain.

凯撒大帝戴一顶月桂花冠是因为他快要秃顶了。Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath because he was going bald.

在第二个幻灯片,配音谈到凯撒大帝。On the second slide, the voiceover talks about Julius Caesar.

罗马教皇朱利叶斯雇佣米开朗基罗为他修建一座华丽的坟墓。Pope Julius retained Michelangelo to build him a splendid tomb.

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他正读着尤利乌斯·恺撒闪光的字句和辉煌的功业。Reading the marvellous words and achievements of Julius Caesar.

布鲁特斯和卡加入了阴谋杀害恺撒大帝。Brutus and Cassius joined in the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar.

恺撒大帝带月桂花环以遮掩自己日益稀少的头发。Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to cover the onset of baldness.