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黑白画面。A monochrome picture.

马则生活在一个单色的世界里。Horses live in a monochrome world.

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这种技术也叫做单色转换。It is also called as monochrome conversion.

经常是这种情况的文字和黑白图片。This is often the case with text and monochrome images.

它确实很丑,它仅配备了一块邮票大小的单色显示屏。It was ugly. It had a monochrome screen the size of a postage stamp.

最后的结果是在单色画上再画上颜色。The final result is a color painting on top of a monochrome painting.

红旗在公牛看来是黑色的,马则生活在一个单色的世界里。The red flag is black to the bull. Horses live in a monochrome world.

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蓝釉单色成功元时期在文艺复兴时期产生的。Monochrome blue glaze was successfully produced during the Yuan period.

单色终端使用不同种类的线显示曲线图。Monochrome terminals display the graphs using different kinds of lines.

黑白电视机最忌无节制地反复开、关。Monochrome television machine Most avoid leaves incontinently repeatedly, close.

我以融合这些特点的现代性单色画为目标而创作作品。I create works in the purpose of the modern monochrome combining these characters.

这就使得科学家可以画出这两种古生物的黑白复原图。This allowed the researchers to paint a monochrome picture of both ancient creatures.

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其它感光用单色胶卷,宽度不超过16公厘,未曝光者。Other photographic monochrome film in rolls, of a width not exceeding 16 mm, unexposed.

方法比较用数码相机拍摄有色地毯上的灰尘鞋印的各种方法的效果。Results An ideal shoe-prints photography was got with monochrome and polarized photography.

在源设备上下文中黑白掩码位图与彩色位图的标识。Identifies the monochrome mask bitmap combined with the color bitmap in the source device context.

在黑白色的大摆裙上扎一条金色的腰带,可以使你腰部线条看起来更优美,整个人也跟着时尚了不少。You can wear a gold belt over a billowy monochrome dress to define your waist and update your look.

并绘出了这场时装秀中的西洋棋盘地板,网格的时装和那些单色的自由风格的图案。Graphics included the show’s checkerboard floor, check suiting fabric and monochrome Liberty-style prints.

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解国平在画布上以丙烯颜料作画,他大规模使用单色圆点,营造出一种摄影记者式的氛围。Working in acrylic on canvas, Xie uses monochrome dots on a large scale to evoke a photojournalistic mood.

单色显示器屏幕上仅显示一种颜色,这可能是白色或是一种更悦目的绿色。A monochrome monitor displays only one color on the screen. It is possible white or more eyepleasing green.

黑白画像的生命饱含历史,追溯到摄影诞生之时。The life of the monochrome portrait contains a rich history dating back to the birth of photography itself.