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这是一个回调的例子。This is a callback example.

然后,设置回调句柄。Then, it sets the callback handlers.

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现有的回调信息将保留。The existing callback information is retained.

在远程站点回拨时检测到了占线信号。Busy signal detected at remote site on callback.

要完成这项任务,就可以用到正则回调。To accomplish this task, a callback may be used.

委派可用于定义回呼方法。Delegates can be used to define callback methods.

委托提供类型安全的回调定义。Delegates provide type-safe callback definitions.

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每部电话都装配有回叫设备。Every telephone was installed a callback facility.

为视图覆写一个现有的回调方法。Override an existing callback method for the View.

将会话信息传递到异步回调处理程序。Pass session information to the async callback handler.

北美用户访问自动电话回叫的常用代码。Usual code in North America to access Automatic Callback.

在背景工作执行绪回呼方法内设定中断点。Set the breakpoint inside the worker thread callback method.

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服务之成功回呼函数的参考。A reference to the succeeded callback function for the service.

下面的代码展示了回调处理程序的使用方法。The following code sample shows the use of the callback handler.

指向本地应用程序的回调函数表。Pointer to the callback function table of the native application.

回调类处理服务器返回的数据。the callback class will process the data returned from the server.

因此,要使用共享上下文,需要重新设置回调线程。As a result, the callback thread resets for use the shared context.

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上周的回调是短期的休整还是反弹的结束?Last week, the callback is a break or short-term rebound in the end?

取得或设定服务的预设成功回呼函式。Gets or sets the default succeeded callback function for the service.

会定义当内容项目变更时叫用的回呼方法。Defines a callback method that is invoked when a context item changes.