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这不关我的事。It’s no concern of mine.

谢谢你的关心。Thanks for your concern.

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这码子事跟我没关系。That doesn't concern me.

和我分享这方面的关注。And I share this concern.

可不可能去关心每一个人呢?Can can concern each person?

你需要关注你真正需要去关注的事情。Your concern must be genuine.

多蒙关注。Thank you for so much concern.

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这个问题经常是说不出口的。The concern is often unspoken.

我要赞扬你的敬业精神。I commend you for your concern.

这个趋势已激发关注。This trend is sparking concern.

电动自行车是他最大的担忧。E-bikes are his biggest concern.

感谢您对美天的关注!Thank you for the concern to MT!

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告诉莪,迩罘再与莪有关。Tell me, you no longer concern me.

谢谢你对我们健康状况的关心。Thang you to us concern of health.

我的首要顾虑就是这个问题。This leads me to my first concern.

夏日中,它懂得了关怀。Summer, it understands the concern.

为什么关注三尖瓣闭锁?。Why is tricuspid atresia a concern?

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但如今我不再有这种顾虑了。But now this concern has faded away.

希拉抬起头,关注地望着我。Sheila looked up at me with concern.

伊文思真正关心的是人们的隐私。Evans' real concern is about privacy.