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发审委设会议召集人5名。The IEC shall have 5 conveners.

辩论者必须是文化交流大使选拔赛决赛选手。A debater must be a competitor in IEC finals.

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产品不仅满足GB、GJB等相关国标、军标要求,而且也适用IEC和MIL等有关标准。Our products not only meet the GB, GJB but also the IEC and MIL or related standard.

YS系列三相异步电动机符合IEC标准的有关规定。YS Series three-phase asynchronous motor meets related stipulations of IEC standard.

欧洲电工技术标准化委员会没作任何修改就批准这个IEC标准成为欧洲标准。The IEC Standard was approved by CENELEC as a European Standard without any modification.

经两轮预试验后,IEC策略宣传画和预防接种证插页传播材料定稿,建议在IEC传播策略中使用。The poster and foldout material were finalized after two times pretest and could be used in IEC strategy.

产品均按照国际电工委员会推荐的IEC标准。Products in accordance with the recommendation of the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC standards.

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IEC标准及规范生产的名厂电机为动力,根据现场条件及防火标准使用具有不同防护等级及附件的低压或高压电机。A brand-name electrical motor in accordance with IEC standard is equiped as the driver of XBD series fire pump set.

国际间的、政府间的以及与IEC有关的非政府间组织也可以参与这一准备工作。International, governmental and non-government organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation.

政府和非政府组织的国际,联系与IEC也参与这个准备。International , governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation.

它与讨论助听器的电输入电路特性的IEC公告118的第6部分兼容。It is compatible with IEC Publication 118 Part 6, which covers the characteristics of hearing aid electrical input circuits.

但委员会一位官员承认,由于电脑软件故障,计票的进度比预期缓慢。But one official with the IEC acknowledges the counting is proceeding slower than expected because of computer software glitches.

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本文简要介绍了IEC近期对其已颁布的光纤光缆国际标准正在进行研究修改的内容。This paper introduces the case, that IEC is recently amending its published inter-national standards for optical fibers and cables.

对于SPD,由于保护水平不同于在入口处提供的保护水平,正如IEC的标准,那么协调配合就是强制性的。For SPDs, with a protective level different from that provided at the origin, as in the IEC standards, then coordination is mandatory.

连接器的头部配合尺寸符合MIL-C-39012和IEC169-18的规定,因此可与国内外同类产品互配连接。As SMC series interface dimension conforms with MIL-C-39012 and IEC 169-18 rules, it can mate with international products of same kind.

首先,李峰副院长简单介绍了我国大学英语教学的目的和要求,并介绍了我院英语教学的特色。To begin with, Vice-dean Li introduced briefly the aim of Chinese college English Teaching and the characteristics of English teaching in IEC.

该方法符合我国2000年颁布的电压波动与闪变的新国家标准,且与IEC推荐的闪变测试仪原理一致。The selected method accords with the national standard issued in 2000, and it is consistent with the principle of IEC recommended flicker meter.

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其型式试验结果表明,互感器的整体性能在-40-40℃时,比差和角差准确度达到了0.2级的要求。The type tests showed that the magnitude error and the phase error of EVT reached IEC level 0.2 under the temperature ranging from -40 ℃ to 40 ℃.

在佤族中的IEC干预应使用以人际交流为主,并有其它渠道支持的综合渠道。IEC intervention in Wa ethnic should use mixed channels and interpersonal communication will be the principal channel with supports of other channels.

以IEC标准为基准,介绍和分析了我国IT类产品的安全标准与其他国家标准之间的差异。To introduce and construe the differences between our country standard and other countries standards about safety of IT equipments based on IEC standard.