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而美国国际开发署的现任领导人就是盖茨的前雇员拉吉夫沙阿。USAID is now headed up by former Gates employee Rajiv Shah.

美国国际开发署支持危机管理中心向非洲派出快速反应行动队。USAID has supported CMC rapid response deployments in Africa.

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南非政府和美国国际开发署为这项研究提供了资助。The research is funded by the South African government and USAID.

此前她还曾担任美国国际开发署在印度的科学顾问。Earlier in her career she served as a scientific advisor to USAID in India.

这个项目也得到了美国大使小奖助金和美国国际开发署的资助。The program is funded by the US Ambassador's Small Grants Program and USAID.

目前日本、美国国际开发署和亚洲开发银行是该地区的主要捐赠者。So far, Japan, USAID and the Asian Development Bank are the main donors in the region.

卡尔森说,美国国际开发署的另一项目标是,让所有的柬埔寨儿童有机会接受良好的教育。Another goal of USAID is access to quality education for all Cambodian children, Carlson said.

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新的中心将用于补充开发署在博茨瓦纳、加纳及肯尼亚等国贸易中心的工作。The new hub will complement the efforts of the USAID trade hubs in Botswana, Ghana, and Kenya.

沙阿说,一些美国国际开发署的项目是以与私营公司的类似的伙伴关系为基础的。Some USAID projects are based on similar partnerships with private sector companies, Shah said.

──作为行动计划的部份内容,美国国际开发署将开设第四个贸易中心。As part of the new African Global Competitiveness Initiative, USAID will open a fourth trade hub.

美国国际开发署为伊拉克卫生部提供公共管理方面的技术援助。USAID provides technical assistance in public administration management to the Ministry of Health.

美国国际开发署在菲律宾开展的工作着眼于让更多妇女和女童能够接受高新技术教育。USAID is working in the Philippines to ensure that more women and girls have access to technology education.

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美国有数个搜索和救援队处于同美国国际开发署的随时待命状态,执行这类使命。Several search and rescue teams in the United States are on continuous stand-by status with USAID for such missions.

美国国际开发署说,最近的空运班次装载了85850条毛毯和46800个10公升水容器。The most recent flights were loaded with more than 85,850 blankets and 46,800 10-liter water containers, USAID said.

也许这是一个显而易见的结论,但这一结果引出了大量的问题有待国务院和美国国际开发署去解答。Perhaps it's an obvious conclusion, but it is one that raises a lot of questions that then State and USAID have to answer.

美国国际开发署官员坚持认为测试表明中国产避孕套耐用性比美国产或者其他地方产的避孕套还要好。USAID officials maintain that tests have shown that Chinese condoms hold up well against those made in the US and elsewhere.

美国国际开发署说,沙阿与当地官员讨论了救灾问题,与灾民进行了交谈,并访问了一个医疗诊所。He discussed relief efforts with local officials and also spoke with families and visited a health clinic, according to USAID.

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国务院和美国国际开发署已在埃及启动了第一个试验项目,不久后将在印度尼西亚启动第二个试验项目。The Department of State and USAID have launched the first pilot program in Egypt and will soon launch the second in Indonesia.

马约多莫非常感谢美国国际开发署提供这些机会,使她不用远离家乡就获取了专业能力。Mayordomo is very grateful for the opportunities provided by USAID to help her grow professionally while staying close to home.

国际开发署派遣了两支城市搜救队,由大约150名人员和12条经专门训练用于查找幸存者的搜救犬组成。USAID has deployed two urban search-and-rescue teams, comprised of about 150 personnel and 12 dogs trained to detect survivors.