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他摊开几份复印的天气图。He spread out several facsimile weather charts.

我还会操作使用复印机。I can operate a facsimile machine and a photostat.

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这是一本18世纪书籍的复制版。This a facsimile edition of an eighteenth century book.

传真是原件的摹本,看上去与原件一模一样。A fax is a facsimile of the original, and looks exactly like it.

所有证明文件上的签名必须亲自摹写。Any or all of the signatures on the certificate may be facsimile.

即使扩展显示也只能看到一个和缩小传真差不多的效果。Even the expanded screen could deliver only a shrunken facsimile.

假如你错误收到本件,请立即电话通知我司。If you received this facsimile in error, please call our company.

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戈登的绘画简直像是原作的翻版。Gordon's painting was an almost perfect facsimile of the original.

我有传真电报发给你,请打开传真机。I want to send a fax for you , please open your facsimile machine.

在此之前,卖方应通过传真发送一份运输单证。And before it, The Seller sends a copy of shipping documents though facsimile.

复印件可以传真形式交换往来,但随后补交原件。Counterparts may be exchanged by facsimile transmission with originals to follow.

传真机的发明是对通讯联系的一项巨大贡献。The invention of the facsimile machine was a great contribution to communication.

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买方地址,电话,电传,传真号,采购代理地址、电话、电传、传真号。Purchaser and Procurement Agent's address, telephone, telex, and facsimile umbers.

下面是他的署名传真件,请惠予寄望,该署名下场与我的不异。Below you will find a facsimile of his signature, which I ask you to regard as my own.

满嘴脏话的她是他母亲的翻版,在这段关系中她处于优势。As a foul-mouthed facsimile of his mother, she was the dominant one in the ­relationship.

随着网络的普及,数字传真机应运而生。Along with the network popularization, the digital facsimile emerges as the times require.

此外,投诉警察课亦已在六月增设一条投诉热线,以图文传真方式将投诉表格传送给市民。CAPO was introduced in June to supply complaint forms by facsimile to members of the public.

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这些预报量以传真图或表格形式分发到各地气象部门供当地使用。These forecasts are distributed as facsimile maps and tables to weather offices for local use.

海外电报、传真、邮寄快递费及银行付款产生的费用由客户承担。Overseas telex, cable, postage, facsimile and bank charges as incurred are chargeable to client.

在电话交换网络上用户终端间的公用传真传输业务。Public facsimile transmission service between subscribers terminals on the switched telephone network.