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所以胖哥还是回家了。So Punchinello went home.

胖哥就是其中之一。Punchinello was one of these.

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哦!潘趣乃乐,人人都爱!Oh! all the world loves Punchinello !

于是有位太太就把波里希内儿监禁。Then a lady put Punchinello in prison.

他们怎么想并不重要,胖哥。What they think doesn't matter, Punchinello.

他们怎麽朼并不重要,胖哥。What they think doesn't matter, Punchinello.

我来是因为我遇见了露西亚。I came because I met Lucia, " said Punchinello."

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伊莱把胖哥从工作台上举起,放到地上。Eli lifted Punchinello off the bench and set him on the ground.

「我来是因为我碰到一没有被贴贴纸的人。」胖哥说。I came because I met someone who had no marks, " said Punchinello ."

“我来是因为我遇见了露西亚。”庞切尼罗说,“为什么那些贴纸在她的身上贴不。"I came because I met Lucia, " said Punchinello. "Why don't the stickers.

胖哥从来没有被人这样盯著看,更不要说是他的创造者。Punchinello had never had anyone look at him like this—much less his maker.

他们怎么想并不重要,潘奇诺,最重要的是我怎么看。What they think doesn't matter, Punchinello. All that matters is what I think.

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这才是我想要的。于是他问露西亚,她是怎么办到的。That's the way I want to be, thought Punchinello . So he asked Lucia how she did it.

庞切尼克走过一条窄路,进到以莱的店里。Punchinello walked up the narrow path and stepped into Eli's shop. His eyes grew big.

胖哥大喊。不过露西亚没有听到。"But will he want to see me?" Punchinello cried out. Lucia didn't hear. So Punchinello went home.

从来没有人这样看过他——更不用说是他的创造者。他不知道要说些什么。Punchinello had never had anyone look at him like this — much less his maker. He didn't know what to say.

潘奇诺慢慢转过身,然后看着这个身形巨大,满脸胡子地木匠。Punchinello turned slowly and looked at the large bearded craftsman. "You know my name?" the little Wemmick asked.

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潘奇诺没有停下脚步,但是在他的心里他想,我想他讲的是真的。当时候,就有一个灰点从他的身上掉在地上。Punchinello didn't stop, but in his heart he thought, I think he really means it. And when he did, a dot fell to the ground.

潘奇诺想,我就想像这样,我不想要任何人的标签。他就问这个防贴的微美克人她是怎么做到的。That's the way I want to be, thought Punchinello. I don't want anyone's marks. So he asked the stickerless Wemmick how she did it.