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窜入记忆里的还有数不清的体育赛事。There are countless sporting events.

或是伊莱恩的工作糗事。or Elaine's countless work faux-pas.

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这位医生活人无算。The doctor has saved countless lives.

鸟岛的鸟多得数不清了。The birds on Bird Island are countless.

第一次吃了这么多碗的杂烩。The first of countless bowls of chowder.

森林中有数不清的树。There were countless trees in the forest.

欧洲的商业企业多如牛毛。There are countless enterprises in europe.

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现在道路蜿延曲折,化成无数条小径。Now the way serpentined into countless paths.

也曾经教化过无数其他的佛陀who also taught about countless other Buddhas

还有无数的心中人情致心中。The hearts of countless people fantastic mind.

这悲剧激发了无数的英勇事迹。The tragedy prompted countless acts of heroism.

心中折射是你无数的影子。Your countless shadows reflected into my heart.

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无数的麻雀在屋檐下啾鸣。Countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.

成功的路上布满了荆棘。The road to success is full of countless briers.

他们的雕刻家塑造了无数个她的形象。Their sculptors carved countless figures of her.

我见过不计其数的人,并且不停的与他们会面。I met countless others and continue to meet them.

数洗搓洗将那块石头磨掉。Countless washer women have rubbed the stone away.

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在这24小时中,你会做出无数的选择。In that 24 hours you are making countless choices.

我们无数次围在她的钢琴旁边引吭高歌。We spent countless hours around her piano singing.

很久以前世界上有数不清的龙。Long ago there were countless dragons in the world.