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筒管支架不合适。Improper arms of bobbin holder.

突然插到排队的行列中去是不恰当的。It is improper to cut in on a queue.

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用汤匙舀取豌豆吃是不合礼节的。It's improper to eat peas with a spoon.

舞会上穿短裤不成体统。Short trousers are improper at a dance.

给棉板与刺辊的隔距不当。Improper setting of feed plate to licker-in.

这样冒冒失失去找他可不好。It's improper to drop in on him so casually.

葬礼时大笑和开玩笑是不合适的。Laughing and joking are improper at a funeral.

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但是不合理的是,另外的行为…But that's not irrelavent or improper behavior.

食品加工前不当的洗手。Improper hand-washing prior to food preparation.

大家都对他的不端行为感到震惊。They were scandalized by his improper behaviour.

计量泵的冲程长度设定不合适。Metering pump stroke length of improper settings.

当前,不合理检查现象屡禁不止。At present, the improper use examine of phenomena.

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大型飞机救援消防单位的操作并不适当。The operation of the large ARFF unit was improper.

有外放或存放不当的化学物品吗?Any exposed chemicals or improper chemical storage?

在公共场合赤身裸体被认为是不成体统的。It's considered improper to be unclothed in public.

但是我们发现了注射针的储备不当。But he improper injection needle disposal was found.

文件不存在或者打开方式不正确。File does not exist or has improper access permissions.

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由于粗纱机成型过程中张力不合适造成粗纱伸长不匀。Stretch in roving due to improper tension in the roving.

对于这一事件,我也不敢妄加评论。For this incident, it is improper for me to make comments.

如果一个译员在工作,不宜从中打扰。If an interpreter is working, it is improper to interrupt.