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我看见一个闪光的吉他。I see a glittery guitar.

但首先,我们的目光要超越那些闪闪发光的绿色标签。But first, we have to look beyond the glittery green label.

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如同小点一样闪烁的高光则带有一种珍珠般的光辉。Glittery highlight like small points carries pearl-like brilliance.

她则用贴纸和闪光的魔笔来装饰名字的每一个字母。She decorated each letter with stickers and glittery Magic Markers.

列车在易北河流域沿着闪闪发光的河流疾驰。The train bowls along the valley of the Elbe by the glittery river.

还可以借助产品的部分标识作为诉求点。You also could use product's part identification to be a glittery point.

站在星空下,闪烁的星星皎洁的月亮让我想起了你。Standing under the starry sky, glittery stars, clear and bright moon remind me of you.

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充分体现了嘉汇人的精神和嘉汇科技文化。Fully reflects the spirit and the person Glittery Glittery science, technology and culture.

王后,Martin,比尔.盖茨和其他一些知名人士主持了这项活动。The queen, Martin, Bill Gates and several other well-to-dos preside over the glittery event.

如果你害怕那会让你看上去很娘,那就避免闪光类和极端光泽类的唇膏。If you're afraid it will make you look too feminine, just avoid the glittery and ultra-glossy variety.

他瞪了班瑞尔?杰罗斯特一眼,口罩上边露出的睁得大大的炯炯发光的双眼比死女孩的脸更可怕。The wide-eyed glittery look he gives Bred Jaserow above his mask is more horrible than the dead girl's face.

多伦多电影节将会评审多达270部的电影。确实,它会是一件闪闪发光的事情。Indeed Toronto, which will be screening more than 270 full-length features, promises to be a glittery affair.

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他瞪了班瑞尔·杰罗斯特一眼,口罩上边露出的睁得大大的炯炯发光的双眼比死女孩的脸更可怕。The wide-eyed glittery look her gives Berd Jaserow above his mask is more horrible than the dead girl's face.

他俯身要用嘴唇蹭她的脸颊,可是她嗖地转过脸指责他,两双眼睛相遇,她蓝睛闪烁。He bent to brush his lips over her cheek, but she jerked back accusingly, her blue eyes glittery as they met his.

接下去,他们在璀璨的月光下着手把空投在那片宁静、芳香的草场上的供应品木箱收集拢来。Then they set about gathering up the dropped supply containers in the peaceful fragrant meadow under a glittery moon.

我红一些传统首饰耀亮来自各地的房子,买了新的首饰树。I hung some our traditional glittery ornaments from various places in the house, and bought new ornaments for the tree.

他单手戴手套、白色短袜以及亮闪闪的夹克,都使得他成为一个流行风尚的创新者,让中性装扮看起来性感又甚至安全。His one glove, white socks and glittery jackets made him a fashion trendsetter, making androgyny seem sexy and even safe.

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嘉汇科技有限公司是集科研、生产、经营为一体的多元化行业的实业公司。Glittery Technology Co. , Ltd. is a research, production, operating as one of the diversified industrial sector companies.

在250克,矩形咖啡锡具有闪光金,银星图,设计援引的魔力圣诞节。The 250g, rectangular coffee tin features a glittery gold and silver star pattern, designed to invoke the magic of Christmas.

收垃圾、乞讨、偷窃还有卖唱——这些就是上海光鲜繁华的南京路上,那些流浪汉让人难以忘怀的生活。Recycling trash, begging, stealing &singing – these are the unforgettable lives of migrants living on Shanghai’s glittery Nanjing Road.