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所以,心混乱了,世界就倾斜了。October. at CUC. Turmoil in my heart.

中国不搞四个坚持能行吗?Without them, China would be in turmoil.

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首先,需要等待全球金融动荡平息。First, global financial turmoil needs to subside.

好战的姿态常常显露了内心的骚动。A militant attitude often betrays an inner turmoil.

设想着你正躺在床上,脑袋一片混乱。I magine yourself lying in bed, your mind in turmoil.

一夜之间发生六起劫案,全村陷入一片混乱。Six robberies in one night put our village in turmoil.

正如我所说的,这是一个各种动荡集中爆发的一年。As I said, this has been a year of concentrated turmoil.

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敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。The enemy troops put the whole village in a big turmoil.

但是处于政治动乱中的他根本没有安全感。But he didn't feel safe there amid the political turmoil.

她的出访发生在政治混乱几周之后。Her visit comes after several weeks of political turmoil.

绝对主义并非仅仅由于这场动乱而产生Absolutism did not simply just emerge out of this turmoil.

它为今天的混乱和相互指责提供了理由。It provides context for today's turmoil and recriminations.

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1996-2006年间的政治动荡极大地阻碍了经济增长。Political turmoil from 1996 to 2006 greatly hampered growth.

内心的纷扰使他无法入睡。His mind was in such a turmoil that he couldn't get to sleep.

贫困、动乱的根源在于过剩人口。Impoverished, the turmoil root lies in the surplus population.

就让新石油革命风暴的风再大些,雨再猛些吧!Let the new revolutionary turmoil of oil bigger and stronger !

远处轰鸣的雷声似乎在呼应我内心的混乱。The rumble of distant thunder seemed to echo my inner turmoil.

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这会不会是因为印度被骚动的国家包围?Could this be because India is surrounded by states in turmoil?

另外国运动荡边境不安又让他深为焦虑。In addition, the turmoil of the nation put him in deep anxiety.

场面失控了,变得鸡飞狗跳,一片混乱。The assembly went out of control and became a scene of turmoil.