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罗伯特•伯德逝世,享年92岁。Robert Byrd died at the age of 92.

开始时伯德和他的助手们拍下了照片。At first Byrd and his men were able to take photographs.

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伯德马上命令他的助手们把两个沉重的食物袋扔掉。Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks.

但是,博德解释说较量的导致结果只有顺滑。But as Byrd explains, the lead-up to the bout was anything but smooth.

参议员罗伯特.伯德呼吁,要结束这些警察捉小偷的军事行动。Senator Robert Byrd called for an end to these cops-and-robbers operations.

“一次拜访中,我们碰巧谈到了马克·吐温,”伯德在给古尔特的信中写道。“On one of my visits we happened to be talking about Mark Twain, ” Byrd wrote to Gold.

奥巴马参加了周五在西弗吉尼亚首都举办的纪念Byrd的仪式。Obama joined hundreds in the courtyard of West Virginia’s capital Friday to remember Byrd.

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美国探险家什么时候成为飞越南极的第一人?When did the American explorer, R. E. Byrd become the first man to fly over the South Pole?

二战从此,阿拉斯加就办事于博德探险队和其他各种探险队。Malamutes served in the Byrd Expeditions and also in several expeditions after World War II.

最新站出来支持奥巴马的超级代表是西维吉尼亚州的资深参议员伯德。The latest superdelegate to line up behind Obama is veteran Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia.

早期的多曲调音乐作曲家有意大利的帕利斯蒂那和英国人威廉·伯德。Among early composers of many-tuned music were Palestrina in Italy, and the Englishman William Byrd.

起初伯德和他的助手们能够拍下许多横亘于下的群山的照片。At first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below.

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伯德说,北极和南极只有两种许多人到地球中心的开口。Byrd stated that the North and South Poles are only two of many openings into the center of the Earth.

伯德说她已经试过直接母乳喂养第一个孩子,持续了9周,孩子现在已经12岁了。Byrd says she tried breast-feeding her first child, who is now 12, and lasted nine weeks before giving up.

即使克林顿上星期在西维吉尼亚的初选中轻松战胜奥巴马,伯德还是决定支持奥巴马。Byrd decided to support Obama even though Clinton easily defeated Obama in the West Virginia primary last week.

当克里斯图伯德的第二个孩子呱呱坠地时,医生催促她赶紧给孩子喂奶,但伯德拒绝这么做。When Crystal Byrd's second child was born, the doctors urged her to place her baby to her breast. Byrd declined.

教室里播放着轻柔的音乐,在情侣们逐步进行练习的过程中,伯德不时用平静、带有呼吸声的嗓音告诉“学员”们每一步的要领。As Byrd guides couples through exercises, such as kissing only the bottom lip or licking an ear, soft music plays.

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民主党控制了参议院中59个议席,在民主党成员伯德去世后,暂时仅有58个席位。Democrats control the Senate with 59 seats, reduced temporarily to 58 since the death of Mr. Byrd. One Democrat, Sen.

同年,三名白人欧打一名非裔男子詹姆斯拜尔德,并将其用卡车拖曳至死。That same year, 3 white men in Texas beat a black man, James Byrd Junior, and pulled him to his death behind a truck.

劳拉·莱特·戴克告诉伯德,她的兄弟姊妹曾怂恿她卖掉这些信,但这违背她的意愿。Laura Wright Dake told Byrd that her sisters and brother had urged her to sell the letters, but this was not her wish.