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爱玲漫不经心地玩弄着扇子。Aileen toyed aimlessly with her fan.

利季娅毫无目标地走到走廊。Lydia wandered aimlessly into the hallway.

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她在大街上漫无目的地到处游荡。She wandered aimlessly around the streets.

不要盲从于你周围的人。Don't aimlessly listen to those around you.

他在大街上漫无目的地徘徊。He wandered up and down the road aimlessly.

她漫不经心地在翻阅一本杂志。She is paging through a magazine aimlessly.

咱们许多人终是把星期日毫无目的地消度掉。Some of us sll the time spend Sundays aimlessly.

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一艘漫无目地游荡的船永远也到不了彼岸。A boat that wanders aimlessly never reaches the shore.

他的目光在房间里漫无目的地扫来扫去。She went hunting aimlessly through the crowded columns.

一条笨狗无目的地在运河岸上闲逛。A mongrel dog is prowling aimlessly along the canal bank.

我宿命的在流浪之途彷徨,最后消失。My fate vacillates aimlessly and finally runs its course.

你会发现自己上徘徊约漫无目的地在人生?Do you find yourself floundering about aimlessly in life ?

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我犯了数不清的错误,也漫无目的地漫游着。I have done unnumbered wrongs, and aimlessly I roam about.

结果,我漫无目地挣扎了好长一段时间。As a result, I floundered around aimlessly for a long time.

他漫无目的的四处徘徊了4天,饱受幻觉的折磨。He wandered aimlessly for four days, plagued by hallucinations.

一小队士兵和几个普通市民漫无目的的在街上游荡着。A handful of soldiers and some civilians wandered about aimlessly.

依旧漫无目的地荒度如花貌美的青春。Shortage is still severe aimlessly flowery and good-looking youth.

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查看一下电子邮件,去一趟洗手间,或者漫无目的地走走,不管怎样都可以。Check your email, go to the bathroom, walk aimlessly around- whatever.

它们是一些在你脑中漫无目的游走的东西。They are those things that are wandering around aimlessly in your head.

如果你射击的时候没有目标,那每一枪都是漫无边际的。You know, if you shoot for nothing, you'll hit it aimlessly every time!