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穿着有吸引力但不挑逗。Dress attractively but not provocatively. ?

他们的产品重新包装得非常精美。Their products are attractively repackaged.

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他们的产品在外观上更吸引人。Their products are presented more attractively.

常用兰花爽身粉,令您芳香迷人。Orchid talcum powder makes you attractively aromatic.

然而,单有这些是不足以诱人前往的。However, has these is only insufficient to go attractively.

这处房产很好的由篱笆围绕,风景迷人。The property is well fenced and is attractively landscaped.

不过许多分析师认为扬子江船厂的股价经回调后已颇具吸引力。With that tumble, many analysts think Yangzijiang is attractively valued.

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上海——它们被设计得很吸引人,耗巨资建设而且是崭新的。SHANGHAI — They are attractively designed, expensively built and brand new.

各种包装精美、娇艳欲滴的花束,争相装点着节日的氛围。A variety of attractively packaged flowers added more color to the festival.

洒上—滴名牌香水,令您一天芳香迷人。A drop of brand-name perfume will keep you attractively aromatic all day long.

欧式木铝门窗使具有鲜艳色彩的建筑风格更加迷人。Using European Wood-Alu. windows make it?attractively for the colorful style buildings.

股市在4月份下跌后,市场主要集中于沽售价格吸引的股份以获利。A key theme was profit taking on attractively priced stocks after the declines of April.

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一件精美的松石绿釉陶瓶,上有两只飞翔的仙鹤。An attractively enamelled turquoise earthenware bottle vase depicting two cranes in flight.

自助餐的食物都非常漂亮地摆在长方形的桌子或者餐具柜上。Fewer waiters are necessary. The food is attractively arranged on a long table or sideboard.

依靠一些多肉的,迷人的,能散发香味的红色水果为元素,这款酒闻起来有点花香。A rather floral nose, with some meaty elements alongside some attractively perfumed red fruit.

8月8日市场稳定,尽管如此,一些中国垂涎的产业价格诱人。Even after markets steadied Wednesday, some industries China is known to covet are attractively priced.

这支球队踢的是高质量的足球,他们证明了你可以在赢球的同时踢得漂亮。What this team kicks is the high grade soccer, they had proven you may while which wins kick attractively.

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萨尔斯伯里说大约三分之一的冲动购物是因为商品诱人的包装所致。About a third of these impulse purchases, says Salsbury, are made because the item is attractively wrapped.

我的妈妈长得很漂亮,她的脸上不断地发射出的笑容让人很心醉。My mother very much attractively , on her faceunceasingly launches the smiling face lets the person be very elated.

拉皮可以拉掉皱纹,特殊的注射可以使嘴唇年轻饱满、更加迷人。Wrinkles can be stretched away with a face lift. Special injections can make lips look attractively young and plump.