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她已成三一神的圣所。She's become the sanctuary of God.

它给圣所留下创痕。It scars the face of the sanctuary.

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吉恩·鲍尔,农场动物避难所总裁Gene Baur, President, Farm Sanctuary

格拉翰霍尔自然保护区内的火烈鸟。Flamingos at Graham Hall Nature Sanctuary.

过去,地下室是我的一处圣所。Before, the basement had been my sanctuary.

主持弥撒的神甫在祭坛上穿上祭袍。The celebrant vested himself in the sanctuary.

用神圣的咒文招换神殿护卫!Use a holy spell to summon sanctuary guardian.

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殿和至圣所的门各有两扇。And the temple and the sanctuary had two doors.

这名犯法者获准在教堂里避难。The outlaw was granted sanctuary in the church.

用神圣的咒文招换神殿护卫!Use a holy spell to summon sanctuary guardians.

神殿里有一个供着香的祭坛。The shrine or sanctuary housed an incense altar.

外面漆黑一片,但精神的庇护所却闪耀着光。It’s dark outside, but the sanctuary shines bright.

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禅修是烦扰之心得以放松的圣地。Meditation is a sanctuary for a busy mind to relax.

数以万计的人们需要他的庇护。Millions of people need its sanctuary and protection.

圣灯和一切金属器物都是青铜制品。The sanctuary lamp and the metal furniture were bronze.

为什麽保护区的饲养人要使用预录的吼叫声?Why do the keepers at the sanctuary use recorded howls?

因为在这儿——一个没有偏见的避难所是安全的。Because it’s safe here – a sanctuary devoid of judgment.

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王子被迫逃入西敏斯特教堂避难。They Prince was forced to take sanctuary at Westminster.

在圣所中,你要将醇酒奉给耶和华为奠祭。Pour out the drink offering to the Lord at the sanctuary.

雨声令人感到抚慰,床感觉像是庇护所。The sound issoothing and your bed feels like a sanctuary.