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弥尔顿是个革命者。Milton was a revolutionary.

它是一革命的行动。It is a revolutionary action.

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这是革命行动。It is a revolutionary action.

马奇亚维利是位革命家。Machiavelli was a revolutionary.

它们具有革命的伟大意义。They have a revolutionary grandeur.

他有当革命家的胸襟。He has a mind to become a revolutionary.

遵义革命文化资源概述。Revolutionary culture resources in Zunyi.

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60年代中国流行的革命歌曲。A pop Chinese revolutionary song in 1960s.

这对一个革命者来说是要不得的。A revolutionary should not think that way.

这个工人被说成是一名革命者。The worker was labelled as a revolutionary.

吕梁是革命老区。Luliang is the old revolutionary base areas.

图帕克的一种说唱用的是革命性的。The kind of rap Tupac used was revolutionary.

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法国革命者在1794年废除奴隶制。Revolutionary France abolished slavery in 1794.

延安是中国革命的圣地。Yan'an is the revolutionary holy land of china.

作为报答,他们必须遵循革命的路线。In return, they must toe the revolutionary line.

它是十年来最具革命意义的词汇。It is the most revolutionary word of the decade.

这是一种全新的种稻方法。This is a revolutionary new way of growing rice.

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我们的革命斗争已取得了很大进展。Our revolutionary struggle has made much headway.

革命性的新概念,在Flash中的数据恢复!Revolutionary new concept in flash data recovery!

但另一些科学家则对朱清时的改革精神表示欢迎。And some have welcomed Zhu's revolutionary spirit.