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提出了一种快速有效的二维图形消隐算法。An efficient algorithm is put forward which can remove the hidden lines fleetly.

DEM模型能准确快速地反映区域的地形地貌特征,在低丘的治理中有着多层次的应用。DEM model can express the features of area landform and physiognomy fleetly and truly.

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循环使用大于500次,快速循环寿命测试大于450次。It can be circularly used for over 500 times and 450 times with fleetly circularly using.

这时门铃响了,佩吉一边飞奔着去开门,一边叫着一定是圣诞老人。the doorbell rang and Peggy ran fleetly to answer it, calling that it must be Santa Claus.

同时也证明了采用凌阳单片机作为快速处理数据的微处理器是合理可行的。At the same it is also proved feasible that the type Single-chip processor processing data fleetly.

丽江市为旅游地质资源丰富和旅游业快速发展的地区。Lijiang is a region in possession of abundant tourism resources and its tourism is developing fleetly.

配合QXB203带电磁释放器的防静电真空吸笔使用,可实现任何细小间距芯片准确定位、快速贴装。This facility can be exactly located and fleetly pick and place fine pitch IC with QXB203 vacuum pick-up pen.

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为了快速响应市场需求,对可重构单元进行优化布局是十分必要的。To respond to requirement of the market fleetly , it is necessary to optimize the layout of the reconfigurable cell.

结合高倍精缩投影系统,可快速实现图形转印。If combined with high multiple reduced projection system, this technology can realize transfer of mask graphics fleetly.

知道自己贿赂失败后,该毒犯竟然将这一叠现金快速地塞入自己的嘴中,欲销毁贿赂证据,但立刻遭到眼明手快的警察阻止。The drug-dealer fleetly ate the money into his mouth and tried to destroy the evidence but nimble police stopped his action.

在香蕉生长早期适当增加铵态氮供应可以促进香蕉根系的生长,有利于香蕉的早发、稳长。Therefore, increasing supply of suited ammonium in banana seedling stage will promote root growth, thus this make it growth fleetly and steadily.

随着国民经济建设和国防建设的飞速发展,军事自动化是必然的趋势。With the fleetly development of the national economic construction and national defense construction, military automation is an inevitable trend.

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并以我国湖库在藻类繁殖高峰期实测浓度数据为例,快速、准确地得出湖库富营养化的主要指标。Finally we got the main indices of eutrophication of lakes fleetly and exactly by analyzing the measured concentration of lakes in their algae breeding peak time.

以某车用增压柴油机的空—空中冷器为研究对象,应用遗传算法对其进行优化设计,提出了快速获取中冷器最优化芯体结构的方法。Using genetic algorithm to optimize the air to air vehicle used intercooler, obtaining the method of gaining optimum core configuration of the intercooler fleetly.

新世纪以来,中国城市群获得快速发展,城市群的培育迅速成为学术界和政府有关部门关注的焦点。Since entering the new century, China's urban agglomerations are growing up and expanding fleetly and becoming the attention focus of the scientists and policy-makers.

辅助设计师快速建立数字时代工业设计模型知识结构,并且在设计实践中优质高效地使用模型方法。Over all, this would assist designers in constructing all-new knowledge of industrial design model fleetly and using the model technique efficiently during design process.

它一方面要求考核内容细化、多样和灵活,另一方面要求操作上尽量简单、易行、方便和快捷。On one hand, the contents of performance appraisal should be particular, multiple and flexible, on the other hand, it should be simply, easily, conveniently and fleetly to carry out.

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“第三方物流”作为一种新兴的产业正在我国飞速发展,它是指向货主提供物流代理服务的各种行业。The"Third-Part Logistics" is developing fleetly as a newly arisen property in our country, and it is mean that all kinds of profession that provide logistic serve to the owner of goods.

RTK技术具有方便、快速的放样测量功能,可快速、高精度的放样点的平面位置,在高等级公路的施工测量中将得到广泛的应用。GPS-RTK technology has convenient and fleet layout survey function. It can fleetly layout point's horizontal position with brigh precision, It is going to have effects on the layout survey.

针对热锯切头如何快速离开热轧生产线问题,采用机械系统设计的方法,设计出一套热切锯头的移送装置。To solve problem what hot sliced-head can depart fleetly from hot-mile product line, this paper has designed transporting device about hot saw sliced-head by means of mechanical system design method.