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承顺者未必是忠诚。Subservience is not loyalty.

加尔文教不为政府服务。Calvinism isn't a religion of subservience to any government.

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虚假神们改写了神圣几何学去粉碎那1亿个灵魂。The false gods arranged sacred geometry that shattered the 1 billion souls into subservience.

现如今,女性从压制中解放出来了,女性和男性也日渐平等。Nowadays, women have been freed from subservience and have become more and more equal with men.

在其中一种制度下,一小撮狂热分子要求全体服从一种压制性的意识形态,迫使妇女卑屈,杀害不信仰者。Under one, a small band of fanatics demands total obedience to an oppressive ideology, condemns women to subservience and marks unbelievers for murder.

在其中的一种系统中,一小撮狂热分子要求全体服从一种压制性的意识形态,迫使妇女卑屈,杀害不信仰者。Under one, a small band of fanatics demands total obedience to an oppressive ideology , condemns women to subservience , and marks unbelievers for murder.

在这些文章中,归属于人类的国王,本土的,国外的,都会当做是对神圣关系的抵制,这被看作是违反契约的行为。So subservience to a human king, native or foreign, is in these texts considered a rejection of the divine kingship, and it's seen as a breach of the covenant.

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也有的文本会反对,结盟,或者附属于任何外国的君主,无论是埃及,亚述,还是巴比伦的国王。There are also texts that are going to object to alliances with any foreign king, or subservience to any foreign king, whether it's Egypt or Assyria or Babylonia.

彩虹人也能觉察到正在努力破坏的黑暗势力,并懂得如何应用振动来指挥它们变得有益,或者将其驱散而不复存在。Rainbow People also perceive the dark forces vying to destroy, and know how to take vibration to command them into subservience or dissipate them into nonexistence.

无论怎么看,一夫多妻制总是基于男人优越而女人卑贱这样一种观念,以及男人根本不同于女人这样一种信念。No matter how one slices it, polygamy rests on a notion of male superiority and female subservience , as well as a belief that the male is radically distinct from the female.

董贝先生,根据我们之间的业务关系,一位像我这种地位的人向一位像您这种地位的人不论表示什么样效忠的敬意,我都不认为已经足够了。Mr Dombey, to a man in your position from a man in mine, there is no show of subservience compatible with the transaction of business between us, that I should think sufficient.

归根结底,公司必须明白,鼓励员工发明创造和独立思考有利于生意的发展。Ultimately, it is up to businesses to understand that it is in their interest to encourage employees to think creatively and independently, rather than demanding too much subservience.