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现在房产价格实在是非常便宜。Now the price of house is very cheep.

哪边可以买到又便宜又好的衣服?Where can I get cheep and good clothes?

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小鸡唧唧喳喳,数绵羊也睡不着。Chicks cheep and can't count sheep to sleep.

讲解是廉价的,但可以拯救无价的生命。Talk is cheep. But it can save priceless lives.

因为这里的东西既便宜又好吃。Because all the things here are cheep and delicious.

切斯特猎豹嚼着一大块切达干酪。Chester Cheetah chews a chunk of cheep cheddar cheese.

在西方国家,做蔬菜的方式和中国不同,可能没有我们期望的那么美味。Fast food in America may be cheep, but that in China is not cheep.

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在西方国家,做蔬菜的方式和中国不同,可能没有我们想象的那么美味。Fast food may be cheep in the USA, but it's so expersive in china.

这种鱼虽然便宜但严重污染因而已被禁止出售。This fish which is cheep but heavily contaminated has been forbidden to be sold.

但是小汽车的价格是很贵的,一些人却买不起它,并且汽油也并不便宜。But, the cars are quite expensive, some people can't buy a car, and the gas is also not cheep.

那么太阳能能够给我们提供一种非常便宜而且干净的能源。Then energy from the sun may provide the answer to our need for a new. cheep and clean sorta of energy.

花木场采取规模化经营,专业化管理,集约化生产方式,为您提供优质而且各式价廉的盆花。Our farm adopts appropriate scale operation and intensive production and supplies good quality and cheep potted flowers.

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随着互联网的普及,传统的纸质信件已经逐渐被高效、低成本的电子邮件所取代。As the popularization of Internet, the efficient and cheep email has become the substitute to the conventional papery mail.

这种鱼虽然便宜但严重污染因而已被禁止出售。许多人因吃过这种鱼中毒而死。This fish which is cheep but heavily contaminated has been forbidden to be sold. Many people eating this fish died as a result of poison.

其特点是灵活性、低成本和便于维护。本论文重点研究了H.263视频编解码软件开发的方法。Therefore, it's necessary to conduct the research and development of H. 263 in soft wares, whose qualities are flexible , cheep and easy to maintain.

终于蛋一个接一个地开始裂了。“吱,吱!”小鸭们叫著。“呱,呱!”母鸭回道。“这个世界好大啊!”小鸭子异口同声道。At last one egg after another began to crack. "Cheep cheep! " The ducklings said. "Quack quack! " Said the duck. "How big the world is! " Said all the young ones.

使用矿物白油降尘防爆,用于立筒库、浅圆仓、粮油加工厂、饲料厂、安全无污染,施药简便,一次施药可保持半年有效。Mineral white oil was applied in the elevator, shallow silo, grain processing plant, oil mill, feed mill to prevent dust explosion. Chinese mineral white oil is of good quality and cheep price.