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1973年出生于南斯拉夫的诺维萨德。Born in 1973, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.

中国驻南联盟使馆有准确无误的标识。The Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia has unmistakable markings.

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南斯拉夫中部偏西北一城市,位于萨拉热窝西北。A city of northwest-central Yugoslavia northwest of Sarajevo.

马其顿共和国是前南斯拉夫较贫穷的区域之一。The Republic was one of the poorer areas of the former Yugoslavia.

从1946年到1991年,波斯尼亚.黑山是南斯拉夫的一个共和国。From 1946 to 1991, Bosnia-Herzegovina was a republic of Yugoslavia.

拉马出生在南斯拉夫战火纷飞的年代。Vladimir Radmanovic was born into civil war in the former Yugoslavia.

南斯拉夫西部城市,位于爱琴海的德莫森海岸。A city of western Yugoslavia on the Dalmatian coast of the Adriatic Sea.

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波斯尼亚最初是包括南斯拉夫在内的六个联邦单位中的一个。Bosnia was formerly one of the six federal units constituting Yugoslavia.

前南斯拉夫总统米洛舍维奇被判战争罪。Former Yugoslavia president Slobodan Milosevic is trialed for war crimes.

奥西耶克南斯拉夫北部城市,位于札格勒布东南偏东,濒德拉瓦河。A city of northern Yugoslavia on the Drava River east-southeast of Zagreb.

南斯拉夫自交系具有较高的间接利用价值。Yugoslavia inbred lines had higher indirect utilization value in breeding.

主张设立禁飞区的人,则会举出伊拉克北部或前南斯拉夫的例子。Those arguing for no-fly zones recall northern Iraq, or the former Yugoslavia.

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此外,南斯拉夫曾是一个多民族统一的国家,民族问题很是复杂。Moreover, Yugoslavia was a unified multiracial country, with complex ethnic problems.

从历史看来,战争罪在前南斯拉夫都是一个很有争议的事情。War crimes, and facing the past, are still controversial across the former Yugoslavia.

姆拉迪奇被指控在1995年前南斯拉夫所犯的战争罪。Mr Mladic was indicted by the UN war-crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in 1995.

前南斯拉夫联盟的民族构成复杂就与其曲折的民族形成史有很大关系。The former Yugoslavia was crammed with diverse nationalities and they did not mix well.

于是,一个统一的南斯拉夫的梦想就这样在复苏的民族主义思想的压力下崩溃破裂了。The dream of One Yugoslavia fell apart under the pressure of this resurgent nationalism.

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南斯拉夫的战争年代全然一场恶梦。The war years in Yugoslavia were pure hell,” Simic told USINFO in an interview August 9.

这第二名杀手在今早早些时候从南斯拉夫启程,现在已经到达了洛城。This second hitman left Yugoslavia earlier in the morning and is already in Los Angeles.

特斯拉死后当它们被送回南斯拉夫时俄罗斯人重新得到了他的论文。The Russians retrieved Tesla´s papers when they were returned to Yugoslavia after his death.