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主题还是动机Theme or motive?

电影或是主题公园?Cinema or theme park?

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乐曲的主题回归了The theme comes back.

在这个主题上他是大牌。He’s big on this theme.

更多这个主题马上呈现。More on this theme shortly.

主题公园是必游项目。The theme parks are a must.

哈该书的主题是什么?What is the theme of Haggai?

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本书主旨亦复如是。It is the theme of this book.

然后我们还有了新主题。Then we have their new theme.

还有什么叫巫毒主题?What's with the voodoo theme?

是主题的典范It's a good example of a theme.

妖精的尾巴主题曲钢琴版。Fairy Tail Main Theme piano ver.

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再就是那首主题歌了。Have been that theme song again.

他偏离了主题。He deviated from the main theme.

注册这个新主题和皮肤。Register the new theme and skin.

是主题,那钢琴在干嘛Theme. What was the piano doing?

为主题添加样式工作单Add the style sheet for the theme

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主题应是重量轻。The theme should be light weight.

开始乐段用的是主题还是动机Theme or motive at the beginning?

作为主人,主题你说了算。As the host, you decide the theme.